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"Good news!" I heard Claire's voice and I winced in my back room. "Hello!!! How do you expect to make money when you're not even up front?" I heard her shout and then the sound of a bell pierced my store. I ground my teeth knowing that I didn't have a bell, and that she must of brought one in.

"I'll be right there!" I shouted making the bell stop. I got up and walked into the front to see her with Jason and he was holding a heavy bag.

"I brought you more income!" Claire shouted and clapped her hands. "I found these shirts online last night and drove to pick them up the morning. You can now fit the guys and we'll pay for it." Like I didn't have enough work to do with the three dresses.

"That's a lot of things that need to be done..." I whispered as she smiled wider. "When did you and your groomsmen want to come in for fittings?" How could I possibly turn down more money?

"Whenever you will need us to." Jason told me and I nodded.

"I will finish with the dress today... then tomorrow you and one other person can come in for the perfect fit." I told him and he nodded.

"It's Friday so I guess I'll bring Charlie. He's the only one not working." He let me know and I nodded.

"Then Saturday if you could contact maybe 4 guys and send them over." I told him and he nodded. "Okay. Next week I should be done with the rest of the dresses and then I'll finish with the other groomsmen." I stated before realizing I also had to do the maid of honor dress. "Your sister can come in whenever she needs next week and I'll do the fitting as well." I told Claire and she smirked and nodded.

"Get to work. We will be back tomorrow with all the guys." She told me and grabbed Jason's shoulder and tugged him hard.

I turned as they left and went right back into my work room and turned the music up. Not wanting to worry about tomorrow and what will need to be done and just working on what I've already planned.

I heard the bell around 1 and sighed. "Be right there!" I shouted and walked out to see Claire's sister holding her purse tight as if some of the dresses would attack her.

"Hey. Claire told me to stop by and get things started." Darcy told me and I sighed.

"I actually said next week because I know you work a lot. Literally come in or let me know a day off and I will fit you in." I told her and she grumbled.

"She told me I had to come in tonight. I just got the night off." She sighed and moved to turn.

"Well then, let's get started. The faster this goes the less you have to come back." I told her and she smiled wide before going in and walking with me.

"Thanks. I should have called you before just coming over. I know Claire wants things done right away but I know how many things she's already making do." She told me and I nodded and shrugged.

"I would rather work on your dress and get it done because you actually work and she's been in everyday since our first appointment." I told her and wrapped one arm around her shoulder and rubbed lightly.

"You came in with that Charlie guy right?" She asked and I looked away.

"Yeah. He ordered me a white wine and that other girl took my spot. So I just went home." I told her and she cracked a huge smile and shook her head.

"He looked for you in the bar for 25 minutes. It was kind of adorable. I don't know when you left but he only had a 3 minute conversation with that girl because he was waiting for another wine for you." I gulped as I took in that information and didn't respond.

I kept my head down as I got the measurements and pins and fabric and then I used magic to get it sewed up and she slipped out of it. "I think we're done for today. We can schedule a final fitting so we both know when you can come in." I told her and set the dress down before walking over to my large planner.

Yazzy and the Yeti (Book 1) {COMPLETE ON AMAZON}Where stories live. Discover now