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I watched Charlie stand on a stool outside my house, trying to change the highest light for my back yard. He was reaching high and twisting for what seemed like forever as he switched them out. I giggled hard when he tipped the chair enough to make it wiggle, and his panic start to rise. I used my magic after that to make sure that the chair didn't move again.

"Done." He hopped down and looked back at me. "Were you giggling at me?" He asked and I nodded. "Oh really?" He advanced, and for a moment there was a predatory glint in his eyes, but the smile on his face showed me he wanted to play.

"I didn't know Yeti's were so unbalanced." I giggled and dodged him. He started to chase me around the back yard, and I couldn't help but laugh each time he missed on purpose. He was done playing after 5 minutes, and I let him catch me. I squealed and put my arms around his neck, smiling and I leaned in and gave him a soft kiss.

He kept me up, making my legs move around him. I was so happy. He got us into the house and he set me on the counter just inside the doors before pulling away slowly. "What's wrong?" He asked as his hands moved from my thighs up to my face and wiped away the tears now leaking out of my eyes.

"Nothing." I pulled my own hands from his neck and wiped my face. "It's going to sound really stupid and corny, but really I have never been this happy." I told him, and he titled his head and leaned back in, putting his forehead on mine and slowly reattaching his lips to mine.

His body wedged its way between my legs, and I all but hooked my ankles around his hips to pull him as close as possible. I could feel his cock straining in his jeans, pushing against my leggings and I reached down, stroking him, putting just enough pressure for him to groan and pull away from my lips and growled when I giggled and pulled my hand away.

"Don't tease." He told me and I just smiled. I hopped down from the counter and made him turn as I circled him before putting him out of his slow misery.

"Guess it's your lucky night." I leaned back up and kissed him again, putting my arms around his neck and pulling him down to my height before pulling him along to my bedroom. He had already seen it the day he put me down when I fell asleep on him. I didn't realize how messy it was, and I was so hoping he wouldn't care, or even look at it.

I would much rather have him look at me and I would only be looking at him, and the inside of my eyelids. I felt his hands on my hips and he tossed me on the bed as soon as we got closer.

I giggled as he made quick work of his shirt and then reached for my legs. "Get naked." I told him and worked at my own shirt until it was off before working at my bra even though he was already naked.

"Looks like you need to get naked now sprite." His nickname killed the mood and I glared at him.

"Seriously?" I asked and shook my head as I sat up.

"What?" He asked when he didn't let me get up from the bed.

"Why do you call me that? It's insulting." I told him and he genuinely looked confused.

"Sprite? Really?" He asked me and I glared and looked away before nodding.

"My only memory of you is from when you came and I heard you actually ask Jason why he was friends with a Sprite. The way you said it-" I shook my head and crossed my arms to cover my bare chest.

"I repeated whatever my parents said back then. They always thought less of my aunt and uncle for being in this town. I only ever visited once and when I went home, and I told my parents that I met this cute girl that was half sprite... they told me that under no circumstances was I ever supposed to see you again. I yelled back that I wanted to, and I was told I would never step another foot in this town until I could afford it on my own." He told me, he had sunk to his knees and was keeping constant eye contact.

Yazzy and the Yeti (Book 1) {COMPLETE ON AMAZON}Where stories live. Discover now