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Smiling as I made the first bed of the day, I ran my hands over the nice white linen and sighed. This was really happening.

A month ago I was miserable and dreading the day I would have Claire walk into my shop, and now, I had told her off, learned of some bad mouthing ex boyfriend, and I finally had my mate, bending over backwards for me.

Even when I didn't want him to.

Charlie had done all of this for me. Given up the one home he had growing up, and all I could give him was an unexperienced manager and insecure mate in return. I bit my lip as I turned down the comforter and moved to put the amazing pillows in the cases and make it look just as amazing.

I might be the manager, but I was also going to be the maid and concierge. Charlie had said he would do the cleaning as well, but he also had his original business he could run from home. We hadn't talked about what to do about 'off season' or his old home.

He was easily the nicest man I had ever met. He thought of me even when he was the one doing all the labor. I shook my head at the thought of that, he had been wrapping himself around me whenever I had started to sweat or be out of breath.

I had organized everything in the basement, and stacked all the pictures that Jason had left behind with some other things in the attic since it was way smaller than I ever thought it would be.

I got done with the second room before I felt arms wrapping around my waist and I leaned back into Charlie. "It's almost midnight baby, I know you want them all perfect, but we're both tired." He kissed my neck and I turned into him.

He was right, the entire day was hectic. The mattresses had arrived just before the tables we would use as a little dinning room in the old study. We had about 10 small family tables in the family room, and we would have a couple bigger ones and a bit more comfy chairs in the old study. Charlie said he was getting an old friend to box his old books up and send them here so we could fill in the slots as much as possible.

If there were still a whole lot of spaces open, we would go to a big city for a lunch date, and get some 'popular' books sent to the B&B.

We still didn't know what we were going to call it, but so far, it didn't seem like we were going to open as fast as we wanted to. We had wanted to open the first week of December, and it was already half way through the second week and we were no closer to opening.

I sighed as I thought about all the hoops we were barreling through. It was making all of us tired, and by all of us, I meant Lyla, who was getting things ready for routine orders with the market, and Luke was going through all of the things, taking notes about what might need repairs after our first season, already he thought we might need to redo the roof in the spring if there was already a hole in a part of it.

He took notes getting all the sizes of light bulbs and model numbers for things like the washing machines, fridges, and going so far as to make sure he knew the computer types we would e using and told us he would read up on it, and if we ever ran into a problem for us to just call him.

Tonight was the night he was finally meeting up with Jason, and while I was nervous, I had to keep busy. Jason should be the last person on my mind now that I was happy and knew what he was really like.

"Baby, we are going home. Everything here can be dealt with tomorrow." He pulled on my hips, and I felt the zings running through me like they have been the past couple weeks we've been together.

"Are you going to take me home and have your way with me?" I asked with a giggle and he moved with me down the stairs and right out the front door, pausing only to lock up before keeping me pulled in tight to his side.

Yazzy and the Yeti (Book 1) {COMPLETE ON AMAZON}Where stories live. Discover now