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I worked silently over Jason, simply shrugging when he asked my opinion on stuff, shaking my head when he asked about me. I could feel Charlie watching me move and work.

I could sense him more than I ever could Jason, and it worried me because I didn't know what it meant.

"What's wrong? Is this about how I acted yesterday?" Jason asked when Charlie went to get the lunch he ordered all of us.

"No." I didn't send him a reassuring smile. I simply kept my eyes averted and focused on the pins I was putting into his pants.

"What did he tell you after I left?" He asked me, almost worried like I knew what I did know.

I just shrugged and kept working until he growled low and I heard the small bell above my door chime. "Lunch is here." Charlie called loudly and I just nodded slowly.

"What did you lie to her about?" Jason challenged and moved away from me, going around until he was again... in Charlie's face.

"I didn't tell her any lies. We talked about what happened in the bar, how I wanted to do it again." Charlie said and I just started to slowly clean up enough so I wouldn't need to sort things out.

"And now you're lying to me. Answer me right now Yazmin. I made Claire buy everything from you, gave her unlimited charges since it's you. Tell me what he told you or we will go somewhere else." He was being an asshole for no reason. I let my mouth drop in shock before I gulped.

"Then take it somewhere else, put me out of business, make the bank take my home when I can't make payments. Go." I challenged and I saw the worry on his face and he stepped closer. "Go somewhere else."

I turned then, taking the things I had just organized and moved to the back room. I put things down and calmly slid my jacket on before walking out.

"Where are you going?" Jason asked as I passed him.

"Just going home. While I still have one. I really hope you're wedding will be better with a different dress designer. Lock up on your way out... or don't. I guess people can loot it now and not after I close." I shrugged and opened the door, Jason was steaming as I turned to go home and before I stopped making eye contact Charlie had hit him in the face, a full sucker punch.

Jason was on the ground as Charlie walked out to my stunned form and he pulled me close and helped me keep walking.

"Will you do something for me?" I asked him and he nodded as he moved his arm from just around my shoulder down to take my hand in his.

"Name it."

"Tell me everything Jason said about me." I looked over and up at him and I saw the hesitation.

"Why would you even want to know what he said-"

"Because he and I did love each other and we were friends. But he's not the same man anymore is he?" I asked with a small laugh and felt my tears rise. How was I going to support myself?

"He said what I told you last night. That you would never get over him." I licked my lip and shook my head.

"There's more. You said yesterday that he said other things." I explained how I knew and he sighed.

"Just that you didn't want to be loved and that... that..." he looked around and shook his head.

"Tell me." I pleaded and he looked down at me, worked his jaw and sighed.

"Let's go to your place and have a conversation." He told me and I just grabbed his arm, tugging him until we were both in front of my house and he waited as I unlocked the door.

I closed it, tossed my purse aside and kicked of my shoes before crossing my arms and waiting. "Start talking."

"He was tipsy, basically drunk when he told me all of this. You can't take it too seriously." He took his own coat off and I did too before moving to sit down. I knew deep down that drunk words were sober thoughts. Everyone knew that.

"Just tell me what he said." I pleaded and sat down, pulling my knees up and set my chin on them.

"He said that you were only a half blood and that you would never get a mate." He shook his head, opened his mouth to say more but I let a tear fall.

I knew it was stupid but my kind, they have arranged marriages, and humans don't usually have true love and they don't have mates. That's what my biggest fear was when Jason and I were little. Something I used to tell him about.

"But it's not true." I felt his hands lift me up, he held me like I was a child and he let me cry into his shoulder.

"You don't know that... who would want a half breed with no family, and on top of that...no income as a mate?" I cried and sniffled before shaking my head and he just sat back, taking my full weight on his chest and stomach as he hugged me tight.

"Anyone would be lucky to have a mate. No matter what walk of life she or he is from." He whispered to me and I sniffles again and wiped under one eye before realizing that since he was also a yeti he would live hundreds of years, and he could find his mate and have babies after 500... and he was only 30.

He could be lonely and mateless for the rest of my lifespan and here I was being a sobbing mess on him.

"I'm sorry. I know that you could go decades without a mate still." I whispered and he gave a gruff laugh and started to rub my back gently.

"You didn't eat your lunch do you have anything to eat here?" He asked after five minutes of silence and out stomachs were growling as if talking to each other.

"Yeah... I have pasta and sauces and thawed beef. And wine." I told him and before I could try to get up with out hitting him but he simple stood up. He set me down and once I took my dm first step away the emptiness that I hadn't realized been filled seemed bigger than ever.

Then I felt his touch my my lower back... and I looked back at him and gulped before going right for the wine in the fridge and he got the hamburger meat, noodles and red sauce out. He chopped garlic and explained how he knew how to cook as I drank a bottle and a half of wine all to myself.

He made me eat, sat with me through some old movies I loved, mostly the cliche ones about love and romantic humor.

He even let me fall asleep on his shoulder in the late afternoon.

Yazzy and the Yeti (Book 1) {COMPLETE ON AMAZON}Where stories live. Discover now