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"Good morning!" I cheered at Charlie as we met at the diner the very next morning. I had slept with dreams of having him beside me in bed, of him and I being married and having kids and it was a rush to know that it will all happen in due time.

"Morning little one. I got your coffee in the works." He told me and I slipped into the booth and heard loud laughs around the place as he met me in the middle and gave me a quick peck.

"So are we eating as well? I'm not really a morning eater." I told him and he smiled like he didn't know what that meant.

"I'll take my pancakes to go." He told the waitress moments after I explained that I never really ate in the morning.

"No we can wait." I waved it and the waitress, who was the other bartender Calliope, or Callie, just nodded at me and smiled slowly.

"She's not going to bring them to-go is she?" He asked me and I shook my head and he sighed. "They listen to you because they know you." He told me and I just laughed.

"That's Callie, she works at the bar too. She is best friends with Claire's little sister- not sure if you met her officially." I knew she was there when he and Jason came into my shop, but if they got each other's names I didn't know.

"Darcy if I'm right. Very quick meeting at the engagement party." He told me and I just nodded.  "She's nice."

"Yeah." I smiled. Darcy was a Lion shifter, whereas Claire was a leopard. I knew that leopard were actually dwindling in the feline shifter community, so to be one seemed to fill Claire with some kind of importance, not to mention that most were only females. They were treated like queens and princesses their entire lives, and it was no wonder that Claire only wanted the best for everything.

I got some cream for my coffee and stirred it slowly, trying not to laugh as Charlie stuffed his face, getting some syrup on his chin and even a little drizzle on his shirt and I knew he didn't even notice.

I sipped two cups of coffee as Charlie finished eating and also had a cup of straight black, very strong coffee.

After a half hour at the diner he and I walked arm in arm up to the old house, and as he unlocked it and opened the door I got a better look at all of it.

I missed the wood walls and wood floors. The entire house had always been beautiful and I used to think that, since I was dating Jason, we might get to live here one day.

Charlie went upstairs, making sure they were steady and I went to the kitchen and had a look around. There wasn't a fridge, the large family table was missing, some cookbooks were thrown to the floor in a heap where a skinny shelf used to be.

I saw a rag under some so I tugged it out and started to wipe some things down, the windows and counters. The large oven was still in place, looking just as nice once all the build up was taken off.

I looked around again before going to the next room, the one that used to be Jason's fathers study.

It was completely empty. The large book shelves that had been built into the wall were still there, the books all gone. The mahogany desk and chair were gone, the small tables and chairs where his mother used to come in to just read or spend time with his dad were gone. The plants were left and dead on the floor. The file cabinets were gone too.

"Everything is closed but there is a small hole in the roof." I heard Charlie's voice and turned to see him rubbing his hands on his jeans.

"Big fix?" I asked and he shrugged before smiling at me. "What?"

"I want to know what you think." He encouraged and I looked around the room again.

"I can't get over the face that he took all the furniture and didn't take the memories. I barely have a couple pictures of my mom and I would cry for months if they were suddenly gone." I shook my head and looked around.

Yazzy and the Yeti (Book 1) {COMPLETE ON AMAZON}Where stories live. Discover now