The after hangover-6

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When I woke up axle had snuggled up to my stomach. His hands were wrapped around my chest tightly so I couldn't move. Some how I pried his hands from off of me. I went in his bathroom and took a shower using his body wash. I borrowed a shirt and grabbed my clothes from last night. He was still sound asleep snoring lightly.

I grabbed my stuff and left calling Quincy. I was ready for his look of shame and disappointment that I had sex with my mate when He just apologized. I should have listened to him.
Quincy pulled up 16 mins later
He drove towards my house in silence I couldn't tell if he was fully happy cause I sensed slight disappointment for the first minutes of the ride.

The radio blasted with old school music songs that we've both probably heard during our childhood. We sung our hearts out. Lani was at a friends house that she met at school a couple days ago. So me and Quincy had the whole day to our self.

"Want ice cream?" pulled into DQ.

"Sure, chocolate cone please?" He shakes his head and gets out the car. My phone started ringing it was an unknown number.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Why'd you run off on me? this is Axle."

" how the hell did you get my number?"

"Umm i have connections... come back."

"No I'm with Quincy right now." I heard him puff anrgly on the otherside.

"Your. Mine."

" He's the reason I even went to your party, honestly " I hung up and quincy came back with my cone. We drove home and basically had a movie night all snuggled up. With some popcorn and soda.

We watched the nun on tv which scared the shit out of me. I wasn't gonna be able to sleep alone but who should I call? Quincy or Axle.

Axle hasn't made any thing official for us to even have a title. We cant have one yet and I cant see the future for us working out.

The bond with Quincy has been turning into something similar of feelings of siblings. He's a really chill man with a bluntly loving heart.

"Is okay if I sleep in your bed tonight?"

"Yeah, movie too scary?" He ask and I shake my head at him. Suddenly I feel nauseous and hop up off the couch and run to the bathroom. I puke up everything I had ate in the last 5 hours. Quincy comes in behind me to pull my poofy hair into a poof.

I think it was the ice cream because it did taste kinda funny.

" come on Lets go get you a mint. "Quincy joked and took me to my room. We went to sleep in the same bed.

The morning
Axle pov.

I've been waking up happy like for the past 2 days. It was that girl. My girl, Camilla. She had me excited to go to school so I could see her. These feelings made me feel like I was a kid with a huge crush. Honestly I wanted to feel her lips on always, her hands on my abs and my fingers through her curly hair. Thinking about that night just gives me the goosebumps and I wanted to see her body more. Call me addicted and obsessed.

I'm in love with her and she doesn't love me back nor can I be with her a the moment. This whole situation
Makes living depressing
I pull up to the school and immediately spot her. Smiling, I get out the car and walk towards her. When she noticed she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. I walked up to her and gave her a hug. She was with Quincy, so he was confused too.

"We can be friends on school grounds, don't look so confused. I just can't put it out there that I'm your mate or the fact that..." I trail off and lean close to her ear so that only she could hear. "I'm in love with you already, and you don't love me back."

She put her hand on her forehead and her face turned a little red. Quincy cackled at my words making a smart remark. "Dude your getting soft" Quincy joked.

"Ha ha ha" I responded sarcastically back at him with a 'we are not cool look'. I gave him a disgusted look like he was talking with his Mouth full.

The attention came to a halt Camilla ran off into the direction of the school. All me and Quincy could do was look at each other in confusion.

"Was it something I did?" I ask him.

"No you were good, it's gotta be something else." He narrowed his eyes at me.

" what?"

"Nothing dude, you'll see her later" he says before going in the direction of her car.

I'm beyond confused and curious.
Camilla pov.

From the jump start of the morning I wasn't feeling good. I felt like I was on a boat and all the deep waves made my body want to empty it's self threw my mouth. I was gonna tell Quincy I wasn't feeling good but I kinda wanted to see Axles face today even if we can't talk to each other.

When we were at school It seemed like I felt worse. I was about to tell Quincy but I soon see Axle walking in my direction. Has he forgotten that we can't be together while his dad hates my skin?

He walks up to me and gives me a breath taking hug

We talk for a bit before I really start feeling vile come up my throat. I take off in the direction of the school to the girls bathroom. There wasn't really anything to throw up.

It was like this for the next 2 weeks I also gained weird cravings that normally would make my stomach cramp with gas.

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