Oh momma-18

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I woke up to Quincy sitting up on the bed with Maleah on his chest and my bottled breast milk from when I pumped at the hospital. It made my heart smile at the sight but I had to start my day. I sit up and kiss Maleah on the cheek. She was falling asleep in his arms while she fed on the bottle. I went went into the bathroom and gave my self a look.

Rough AF is what I looked like but it's not like I don't wake up like that everyday. It's nothin new. I pull my hair out of my fizzy braids. Going into the shower I wash my hair with cold water first.

When I'm done washing my hair I pull all of it into a bun on top of my head and switch the water to hot. My muscles seemed to relax right after I turned it. I let it run down my back for a second. Seriously, I need a deep issue massage. When I go and turn around I hear the shower door slide open. He came in the shower behind me. He grabbed my other loofah and put body wash on it.

"She's asleep. Last night she woke up and was crying a little bit so I stayed up to make sure she was okay and to hold her." He washed my back for me as I washed the front side of me and my underarms.

"You could have woke me up"

"No, you were so exhausted."

I laughed a little. "Is that your ego talking or are you being genuinely concerned".

I could feel his smirk from behind me. Most definitely his ego talking which is understandable he is so good. He has something to brag about.

"Maybe a little bit of both." His voice sounded raspy next to my ear before kissing on my neck. He stood close to me now in the shower and had his hands on my hips. I could feel everything which caused my breathing to hitch.   His hand wrapped around my neck as he sucked on it hard.

Then I hear a light baby cry.

I turn around and switch places with Quincy. I get out wrapping my self in a towel to go care for my little munchkin.

Axles pov.
Excruciating pain for what seemed to be all night long made me almost scream like a bitch. Camila was fucking someone over and over. just thinking about that made me want to hurl. I don't know if she's doing it to get back at me or if it's love or lust.... or rape. The think that messes me up also is that she gives birth in two days and she messing around. Things litterally couldn't get worse other than pack issues and my annoying daddy issues. I kinda hope she's being raped and nothing worse than her doing it because she's in love or for revenge at me.

My dad constantly tests my patients with him. But it's probably because my mom finally left his ass. She didn't have to leave like she did because she went rouge and ran. I had a conversation with her before she left.

Flash back

" Son, we need to talk." My mom came up to me with a bag pack on her back which was very strange. Well her just talking to me is just strange.

"This must be urgent if your talking to me."

"I know I'm sorry about that, feeling like your trapped and controlled causes you to keep to your self in fear of getting pushed for speaking out."

"Where are you going?" I asked her.

"I'm leaving your father, I can't take his treatment anymore. But listen there are some things that I need to tell you before I go." "So long ago before you were even made your dad was in a relationship with a women. She was the most beautiful women I have ever seen and she was perfect. From her manners to her beautiful skin complexion. The thing was or is that they were deeply in love and they weren't mates. Her parents didn't approve like his did. They wanted her to be with her true mate and not some little boy who wouldn't bring her happiness like her mate would."

"And when do you come in."  I asked.

"Now, they were happy before I smelled your dads scent. He smelled amazing and I couldn't figure out what it was because I had never smelled anything like that before. That's when I met your dad and that first night and almost the night we made you. The woman that he was with at the time didn't like that he had found me. Your father went back and forth between us. She ended up pregnant first I think and her parents disowned her. My father was angry with your father because I told him how she was pregnant with his baby when he was my mate. She was just a random wolf with no special power and I was of alpha blood. My father wanted to kill him and break the alliance with his father. When she figured out that me and him had been messing around she lost her shit. She tried to kill your dad a few times but he let his love for her blind him because he still deeply loved her. When she told him she hated him and left him go finally giving up. That's the day he changed. It broke his heart and messed him up and still effects him on the inside. He never loved me as much as he loved her. I don't know if he ever really loved me or if it was all just a want. he knew what he had lost and he hates him self deep down for it. He looks at all people like her as people who are nothing but trouble. Seeing you sneak out at night time like a month ago when you started sneaking out or at least when I started noticing. Your either partying or you found your mate and before time a while back you always brought a girl home after a party so I don't think this is that. I think you found your mate but she's not what your father would approve of and that's also why your trying to make things even between the blacks, whites, and Mexicans. What I don't understand is why you have stopped sneaking out and you have been extremely moody lately. What ever you got going on you need to fix it and make things right."

Right then and there that's when I broke down for the first time in a long time I broke down. This is the first time I've broke down about a girl.

"Mom I fucked up." I let all my emotions flow. If dad saw me right now he would think I was weak and too emotional.

My mom hugged me and I put my head in the crook of her neck while she rubbed my back.

" baby you'll fix it" she tried to reassured me

"I messed around with another girl a few times and hurt her, I said some messed up things, and probably some other things but I love her so much. She's so fucking beautiful momma." I pull away from her and lift my shirt showing her my internal bruising that you could see on my skin.

"What if she never loves me? What if I can't change and I turn into dad? What if she will never love me back like I love her? But what if I don't know how not to fuck up?"

"What if son? What if she loves you but doesn't see how you love her like you say you do? Actions mean more than words son. You'll pull threw and change this pack to make everything equal. I trust that you will do everything in your power to make things right. I love you Axle, and I'll be back." She give me one last squeeze before she steps away and walks towards the boarder.

"Oh and mom. Your a going to be a grandmother in a couple of days." Her face filled with shock.

"You better figure this out for when I get back and my grand baby better be here when I come back son. You should have told me sooner I would have helped you with everything. I love you and I'll see you, my grand baby and my daughter in law when I get back."

Thoughts of my half sister that is definitely out there somewhere crossed my mind. With my people out searching for Camila I went on a search for information about my half sister. I found out that her mother's name is Alexa Jones but she passed away a few years ago. After that her daughter changed her last name and disappeared. The last time she was seen was in California at a wolf only club.

Cali here I come.

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