a strange plot turn-14

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I grab a suitcase and just start stuffing my clothes in a bag. I run into my parents room and over to my dads safe. I remember him keeping a stash of money for family emergency purposes. This wasn't really one but I'm leaving and I need the money. I stuff the cash into a plastic bag and dip. Quincy waits for me at his car no questions asked. He puts my things in the back and I put the bag of cash in my big purse. I know this is irrational of me but when is being pregnant at this age rational before coming Luna ? If I can even still be Luna.
We drive for a while before stopping.

"Can you tell me what's going on now that we have left." Quincy asked calmly

"His father knows about the baby and this was my original plan to do before my baby was born. Quincy my family hates me because I'm pregnant by someone that has a family history of treating people that look like me like shit. I lost the tittle Luna tittle before I was even able to receive it. " Of course I lied his father hadn't found out yet. I just wanted to get away from axle. He repeatedly hurts me and I'm not dealing with his shit anymore. I'm also tired of being hated by my parents for something I didn't mean to happen. We pulled over at a car rental place and went in. I bought one of the cars that were for sell and used their atm machine to get the money I had off my card. I made sure Quincy and I both ditched out phones here. Last way of tracking us was gonna be left here.

We would have went to a car dealer ship but they ask for too much information. We leave his car there and drive this new one which was a Volvo XC40 2019 car.

We drove for days to end up in hot ass California. The amount of bathroom breaks I took due to my bladder being weak was unreal on top of always being hungry.

The first night in California we stayed in a 5 star hotel. Quincy met a guy that knew a guy that could make fake IDs and anything we needed to get started with out new life. Today I have a week and a half before I'm due but I have a lot going on before then. A lot of plan schedules to be made a life out here.

Me and Quincy both got our hair done. I got my hair cut to my shoulders and got it texturized with a little color. My hair was straightened out then styled with curled ends.

Quincy was now rocking one of those white boy hair styles. They didn't perm his hair but simply just cut it super short. His loose curl pattern made it look like his hair was straighter than it was and I could lowkey tell he hated it but dealt with it.

We make our way to the place to get ids but Stop by a store and I get hazel contacts for Quincy. Some how he inserts them with out even flinching. I could never touch my eyeball let alone put something in it.

We get our ids made and other things like fake birth certificates. Quincy was now Quentin Paisley and I'm Sydnee Paisley. His fake birth certificate shows he is 23 and mine says I'm 20.   
Everything was going as planned.

After our ids were made we went apartment searching and found one with a neighbor hood pool in side and outside. There were 3 bedrooms along with 2 and a half bathroom. We had glass doors that leads to our balcony.

Quincy went on a job hunt and found work being a body guard and providing his protective services. He was debating if he should get another job to help support me while I can't work with still being pregnant.

Time passed and not once did I think about axle and it felt good. I hoped my baby boy didn't have the features of his dad nor the same personalities. My baby would arrive in 3 days or at least my due date would.

I've been trying to get Quincy to go back to the way we were before axle ruined my life but there's not much to go back too plus he doesn't think I'm done with Axle. Most of the time if he shows me any of that type of affection it's because we are supposed to be married like our id show. But we don't plan on sleep in the same beds because Quincy feels that it's more likely we will be intimate. If we ever would come across the path of my family that's more than likely still looking for me that would totally throw them off track minus the modifications we've made to our self.

I was kinda thinking about getting a nose piercing today.

"Can I get a nose piercing ?"

"Why do you want a nose piercing, Camila?"

"I don't know I just want one."

"Well I mean I guess, we'll stop by Walmart. But since your getting that I want to get a tattoo." My eyes literally popped out my sockets at his comment. I didn't know he wanted tattoos.

"Oh helllllllllll no" What is he going to do when it gets old and wrinkled.

"Why?" He looks over at me with a smirk. He's asked me that before and I had the same reply.

"If you love me Don't write on your body. I like it just the way it is." Is it toxic of me to use his love for me against something I know he probably wants ? Me and Quincy has become closer than ever sometimes it felt like we were together but I never got that feeling sexually. It's like I know he wants me but won't let him self have me. Maybe I'm delusional.

"I'm still getting the tattoo even if I love you more than humanly possible" he laughed. And I was okay with that he'd probably look sexy with them anyways.

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