Whats up danger-22

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Medium caramel tan with sparkling hazel eyes. A jawline sharper than anything I've ever seen. His lips, the most plump and pink kissable things ever. His freckles decorated his face and his dimples on his checks. His nose seemed sort of red from the slightly cold weather.

"Mi Hermosa Amor. Te he echado tanto de menos"
My beautiful love. I have missed you so much.

I stood there in shock not knowing what to do. He smiled at me showing his perfect white teeth. Fuck.

He put his hand up on my cheek and circled the right side of my jaw with his thumb. He was focused on my face and I couldn't do anything but look at him in the eyes. The first boy who hurt me and caused my trust issues is standing right in front of me. Somehow and some reason he's here and I don't know if I should be pissed, scared, or hug him.

"¿que tienes debajo de esa manta?"
(What is under the blanket?) he lifted the blanket and his eyes widen and backs away from me.

"que carajo ¿De quién es ese bebé?"
"What the fuck? Whose fucking baby is that?"

"Hablas en inglés, Luis" I speak to him and my eyes water. I told and promised myself that I'd never see him again and he wouldn't see me.

"She's mine, what are you even doing here?"

"She's yours? Well who is the father?" His accent was extremely heavy because Spanish was his first language.

"Yes, I had a baby with my mate but he got killed in a rouge attack." I move my eyes to look off the side because I didn't want to keep eye contact with him anymore.

"I'm so sorry about that, bebé." He leaned over and hugged me. He is basically the same height as Axle so it was kind of a far reach.

"Don't call me that"

"Let's go inside, your parents will be happy." He grabs my arm.

"Why the fuck would they be happy to see YOU with me? You almost Fucken killed me!" I yank away from him. " You hurt me in all possible ways but I still loved you because you were my first love and I thought that everything was my fault. Like I was responsible for you causing me pain. You tried to turn me against my parents! And you made me have a miscarriage. Why the FUCK are you here right now Luis? ¡Déjame solo! No te quiero aquí. (Leave me alone! I don't want you here)" I make a distance between me and him.

"pero bebe te amo. Te quiero. Tanto."
(But baby I love you. I love you. So much)

I couldn't do it anymore the more he spoke, the more the feeling of pain and betrayal came back. I felt stupid and he made me look stupid. I walk past him but he quickly grabs my arm again.

"Let me go right NOW or I'll kill you perra (bitch)." As if on command he listened, that was something new.

I walk up to my front door and bang on the door. My mom comes to the door with messy hair and huge bags under her eyes. When she see my face she looks confused until it lightened up with excitement

"Mi Niña esta en casa. Mi niña!" She rambles in Spanish while stepping out the door to kiss my face all over.

When she comes in for a hug I stop her. " hey mom not so tight and I look downwards with my eyes at the blanket covering my baby. My mother gasps and her eyes widen.

"Come inside, come inside. Can I hold her?" My mom ask in excitement and pulls me in completely ignoring the fact that Luis was there behind me a few feet back.

I come in and hand my daughter over to my mom. Maleah shifts in my moms arms to get comfortable while she sleeps. She smiles at her proudly which I haven't seen her do in years. She's never proud of me. Even if she not looking me like that but looking at my baby that way. I still feel it as if it's me because Maleah is a part of me. She's my heart.

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