Possessive and in between two-10

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I left the school to cool off and got a strawberry smoothie with peanut butter from smoothie king. When it came to time for school to end I went back to pick up Quincy at the front so he didn't have to walk.

Boy let me tell you he was supper mad when I saw him. I questioned if he was mad at something that I did or about something else bothering him.

"Drive" he throws his book bag in the back seat and huffs. I waited patiently for him to close my car door without slamming. He started tapping his foot steadily on the floor and I could practically see the steam coming out of his ears. Boy, was he pissed.

I was just about to pull off but then axle walked in front of my car. Quincy's knee started to shake up and down. His face turned a little red and a vein popped out on his forehead.

He then hopped out the car and walked up behind axle. He pushed him over and gave him a mean right hook. Axle pushed him off of him and took a blind swing at him missing.

I had to intervene before they really hurt each other seriously.I threw my car in park, running up to them I pulled Quincy away putting my hands on his chest from behind. That's when I did the most risky thing ever. I got in between them pushing Quincy back. What I didn't know was that axle was in mid swing about to hit Quincy.

The last thing that happened before I was knocked unconscious was Quincy's face expression changing. Haha funny.

Quincy pov.

She took a pretty good hit to the head. Hitting camila in the head didn't register in axles head completely cause he kinda froze in place. Axle had knocked his knocked up girl friend or whatever they call their relationship. What ever it is, he doesn't treat her right.

"Shit" as soon as Axle realizes he starts panicking frantically. "The baby, the baby!"

" we have to take her to the pack doctor" I picked her up supporting her neck and head. I take her to her car and lay her on the back seat laying down. Axle hops in the back seat with her and I get in the drivers seat.

I pull off leaving skid marks behind.

"I NEED THE PACK DOCTOR!!" I scream walking into the main pack house where people hang chattering loudly. Everyone looks in my direction as if I'm insane. An older lady with brown hair with grey streaks in her hair walks up. Her dark skin  was so smooth her complexion glared like she was shinning. She had no wrinkles in her face, she could past for early 30s.  The only thing that made her look older was her gray hairs. You know what they say?

Black don't crack.

And she was so beautiful and I couldn't stop staring.

"I'm the pack doctor. Is there something wrong, baby?"

"The alphas daughter she's hurt. It happened at school."

"What! Where is she? Bring her straight to my office. Go threw the back, we don't need everyone seeing the Next Luna like this."


I went back to the car to tell him to take her out and bring her out back.
We bring her in and the doctor is there waiting  for us.

I don't think she noticed that Axle brought her in and not me.

"Now tell me what happened." She checked her pupils. "That looks good"

"Me and his were fighting and she jumped in between us right when I was swinging at Quincy. I hit her in the back of the head." The doctor looked over at axle as he explained. She was confused and shocked.

"Ohhh, Your alpha dick heads son. Why the heck would you guys figh— never mind I forgot who I'm talking to. Is there anything that I should know about Camilla that you guys do?"

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