28- Chopped and emotions

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Warning gruesome descriptions

looking down at my bloody-dirty paws. I just couldn't get the image out of my head. It was so disturbing and not a clean cut. It looked like someone had sawed his neck. Taking the knife in and out repeatedly before going all the way threw.

'Let's head back and you are to tell no one what we found. We need to be more than ready with what ever comes at us or what we go after. Keep your heads up because whoever did this has no idea what I'm capable of when I'm seriously pissed.'

'Yes, Luna. Will do'

I turn and my head back and give one last glance at the head. I started to feel nauseous, I promise I'll get revenge for you Luis.

Once we get back one of my men cover me with a towel because I had shift and ran back. No words were exchanged.

We made it home and I was ignoring everyone and going straight up to my room. I closed the door and paced back and forth in my towel, what the hell am I going to do? I get on my bed because I was really starting to feel like I was gonna throw up. I close my eyes, laying my head on my fluffy sheets. Breath camila. My heart never felt this type of hurt before. Like this was worst than some heart break of loss or boy troubles. They did that to Luis and Still have my child. I breathed deeply trying to hold my self together but I just couldn't. I sobbed once more. I'm so scared.

Hands suddenly rubbed my back while telling me that he is here for me. Always.., right when I need him the most. He always seemed to be in the right place. Especially when I was going through it. Even though we were on bad terms he still comfort and let me lean on him. I got up and hugged the shit outta him. He stumbled back a little bit not expecting my grasp to be so strong I guess. Quincy. Quincy brown.

He rubs my back in continuous circles. The best thing that he didn't say was that I was gonna be okay. I'll never be okay knowing my whole world is just in someone else's hands. Someone that jaggedly cut off a live mans head while he probably screamed for help as they cut into his throat. I could just imagine the life leaving from his eyes.

I ease my grip from Quincy and he grabs my hand. I go to kiss him but he moves so that I only kiss his cheek. He gives my hand a tight squeeze before speaking.
"Let's not do that anymore, cam. I love you to death as a friend and more than that. I always will, you will always be loved by me." He smiles and ran his hand down my hair attempting to smooth it out. "Do you have a head band?"

I hand him the one off my dresser and sit down on my bed with my back towards him. He sits behind me and pulls my poofy hair back. I could use hair ties because my hair is so thick and they just pop and pull my hair out. "You know I love you a lot, right?" He says.

"Why, I'm not your mate. Remember? That's why we broke up. I'm not good for you because I don't know how to make my decision. Hell, if I'm being honest I don't even know how to love my self. Don't get me wrong I love you but I've been with guy after guy. I have a whole freaking kid that I'm a terrible mother to. My mate who is the father of my freaking missing child is a disgrace and being with him kinda makes me feel like I'm going against everything I believe in. He's a racist unintentionally but some times intentionally. Your mate is beautiful, she's just like you. Calm and understanding. Honestly the moon goddess gave you the fucken jackpot. So why still love the fucking scum on the bottom of your shoe. Ally is a dime and I'm worth less than a penny. You know I love you too but I don't even know what that even means. What the fuck does 'i love you mean?' Because it has no meaning to me." I turned back so my legs were hanging off the bed. Quincy was beside me still and intertwined his hands together.  He looked down at the floor and I looked at the side of his head pouring out my emotions.

"I mean this with no disrespect but Oh shut up, Camila. Your beautiful too and I know you don't know how to love because you have never felt being loved properly. Your imperfect because of all those facts which makes you perfect. Ally has baggage too, we just haven't gotten that deep because I don't think I want to know her that well depending on my decision. I love Maleah, your a good mom because your going to go hell and back with my help to serve punishment to this random act of war. I got you forever and always because I'll always love you. As a friend and a lover because I can't help it camila. Your my good habit that makes me happy." He smiles giving me a hug. I hug him back, gradually smiling.

A few seconds later some one jiggles the door handle  before knocking on the door. It was unlocked but I get up to open it the door.

A wild haired axle stood at the door. "What the fuck do you mean someone took Maleah? Camila don't play with me like that." His expression showed how confused but angry he truly was.

"Axle I'm being serious, this isn't something I'd joke about. Come on, get real." I walk away from the door over to my dresser. Axle follows into my room stopping in his tracks when he sees Quincy sitting on the side on my bed. He doesn't say anything at first.

Minding my business I pull out a t-shirt and joggers. "Hey, turn around." I say to them both. Quincy turns away while axle still stared Quincy down.

"Axle, turn around." He shifts his eyes to me looking up and down.

"Camila, I've already seen you naked what's the point." He rolled his eyes at me but turned around slowly. He must have forgot Quincy has too.

I dropping my towel,  I slip on my shirt and pants. I didn't put on any undies or bra. When I'm completely dressed I plop down on the bed next to Quincy. I cross my legs Indian style. They both seem to turn back to me at the same time.

"My troops are preparing for war but first we are trying to find out what pack could have done this." Axle shakes his head and rolling his eyes at the same time.

He looks back at me for a second. His eyes travel my body which honestly made me feel a little hot. His eye brows contributed to his now unexplainable face expression that had just occurred.

"What axle? What's wrong with you?" He was making me frustrated due to the way he looked at me. I have no clue what to call his mixture of emotions.

"I need to check on something with my pack?" He just says bluntly. Something was definitely up with him.

"What is more fucken more important than being here for your daughter, not even me at least? You just have no heart. I bet you love this." I say. I sure know how to pick them. Fuck Him.

"Don't disrespect me like that. Maleah is my world just like she is yours. I really do love you, I meant that and I'm never taking it back. I think I can get some information about where she is I just need to go home but it's gonna be okay."

"Fine but I'm coming along either I come with you or I get there on my own." I cross my arms and roll my eyes.

I get up off the bed and walking out the room. It took a minute for them to come down and then we all walked out the door.
Axles POV.
After Camila left the room I briefly spoke with Quincy.

"Quincy, I think it's my father. I think he found out some how."

"Dammit, who could have told him? I think This definitely has something to do with that Luis guy. When Camilla went on the search to sniff out her trail, luis's scent was there and from what I heard from one of the troops that went out. Luis's head was cut from his body.

"You need to stick with her when we get there and keep her safe. Do what ever it takes to keep her safe and out of trouble while I find out where the fuck my daughter is."

"Okay, lets go."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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