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I'm not rebelling, Okay?

I thought that exposing my father a little was good for the soul. It wouldn't harm his ego to much. I guess you could say I was annoyed with him, mainly because he's still making me go to school.

Even though Peter was in every class with me, it didn't make the classes anymore exciting. Everything was boring, because everything I knew.

"I don't think this is a good idea........" Peter whined, his eyes showing how nervous he was.

"Why not? You don't want to have a little fun?"

"Well yeAh, but I don't want to get in trouble!"

"We won't, Parker. Trust me."

I led him through the hallways, until we stopped in front of a wall. Hanging in full splendor, was a large painting of Howard Stark, my grandfather. My dad despised him, but I never really had an opinion on him.

"You see this painting?" I asked the pouting boy, shoving him forward.

"Yeah, I have eyes too, remember?"

"Smart Alec," I grumbled. "Anyways, watch this."

I reached my hand over the red line separator, and felt along the sides of the frame. I ran my hands over the faux gold fixture, and stopped when I felt the outline of a button.

"Here ya go." I said, pressing the button in.

The painting of Howard Stark seemed to fall out o the frame, displaying another photo behind it. It was a picture of my dad and his mom.

"I don't understand." Peter remarked, "why would he have a secret painting of his mother hidden behind his father?"

"Because everyone thinks Howard Stark is the greatest inventor to ever live. In truth, my Da-- mr. STARK, hated him. He loved his mother more, but he had to give the people that 'father and son' stereotype like I mentioned."


Peter didn't seem to question how I knew all of those things anymore. I smiled, and grabbed his hand again.

"Come on, let's go somewhere else."


I ended up showing peter almost every bit of the house. Everywhere except my room, that is. I told him it was the storage closet when we passed it by.

"You know, mr. Stark is so cool." He said, dreamily. "I want to be like him when I grow up."

"Peter, you're a teenager. I'm pretty sure you already grew up."

"sToP rUiNiNg mY dReAmS."


"Anyways, before you so RUDELY interrupted me," peter said, smirking, "I was complimenting Mr. Stark on his amazing intellect and charm."

I was about to shoot something back at him, when a voice from behind us cut me off.

"My amazing what?"

I stopped straight in my tracks. I flipped around and saw my dad staring straight at me. He looked really disappointed, and I couldn't help but feel a little guilty about sneaking around.

"mR. StArK?????????!!!!!!!!!!" Peter said, gasping.

(I Don't Feel So Good..... ;)

Senseless ↠ Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now