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That's not Led Zeppelin.

"I just want to look after her, Happy," I said, "I'm not entirely convinced he's in love with her."

Happy Hogan and I were sitting in a corner booth at the shawarma restaurant, holding up a conversation that had been lasting an hour. I just could get the thought of my daughter actually liking  Peter. He's like a puppy, not a boyfriend.

"You didn't have to sit in a car with him babbling to you about her every single time we hit a stop light," the man protested, "if he's not in love, then he's obsessed."

"I'd rather have him in love than obsessed. Restraining orders take way too much time to fill out."

"For god's sake, Tony," Happy sighed, "just let them date. We've been having this conversation for hours."


"They will at one point, so prepare yourself for that."

"The boy doesn't even know who she is! If she doesn't tell him, I will."

"And then you would be compromising their relationship."

I held up a finger and shook my head, "it's already compromised if he is being lied to."

"This was your idea, Tony."

"And I shall be the one to fix it."

"I don't think you should tell hi-"

"MR. STARK," a high pitched voice rang out, "HI!"

I looked up from my shawarma to see the perfect person. Peter was waving his hand frantically around, jumping up and down. What did I say? He's a puppy, not a boyfriend.

"Perfect opportunity," I whispered to Happy, "today's the day."

Before the man had a chance to pull me back down, I forced my way through tables of people trying to take my picture. Other than Parker destroying my peaceful lunch, I was very happy to see him.

"Parker," I said, nodding my head, "Mila."

Peter's eyes widened as he looked back and forth from me and my daughter. I could see the daggers she shot at me, but I simply raised an eyebrow to retort it. She's the one that decided to get romantically involved with my employee, so she has no say in my decisions. Not to mention, I'm her dad.

"Wait- you remember her?" Parker said, confusion lining his forehead.

"How could I forget?" I said, "I've known her for years."

"HE'S DELUSIONAL," Y/N cut in, "I've never seen him before in my life."

"But we met Mr. Stark at the Tower," the boy mumbled, "what's going on?"

"I suggest we take this outside," I said, pushing the two out the door.

I winked at Happy, who was shaking his head disapprovingly at me. My plan of getting the two apart was finally working. No heart break for anyone!

"Can someone explain to me what's going on?" Peter said softly, "I can tell there's something you guys are hiding."

"I'll let Mila explain,"I said, "I'll just watch."

Y/N stood there, frozen to her spot. I could tell she was trying to figure out what to say, or fins another lie to cover the truth up. I tapped my foot impatiently, wanting the whole conversation to be over and done with.

"This has to be a misunderstanding," she whimpered, "let's just go eat somewhere else, Peter."

I was about to open my mouth, when Peter cut me off. "We aren't going anywhere."


"I need to know the truth," he said, "stop trying to cover it up."

My daughter's eyes started to water with fear, and for a split second I almost found myself regretting what I was doing. I shook my head, this was for the best. Y/N took a deep breath, her eyes glued to the ground, and began to speak.

"I'm not actually Mila," she said, "My name is Y/N."

"Wait, so you've been impersonating Mila?" Peter said, "Are you guys twins?"

"Uh-no," Y/N stuttered, "Mila Waters was my fake identity. I was sent by Tony to get information on your powers."

"So THAT's why you knew about me being Spider-man..."

"Yeah... I didn't move to Germany either. I'm here on business involving the betrayal of Steve Rogers and other members of the post-avengers."

"I'm really confused," the boy said, rubbing his forehead, "so you're Y/N who?"

My daughter took a deep breath and stuck out her hand.

"Y/N Stark," she admitted, "Pleasure to meet you."

The expression on Peter's face was almost unbearable to look at without laughing out loud. (insert gif above) he seemed so utterly in shock, his mouth opening and closing like a fish.

"Wait-wait wait," he said, "Stark. AS IN TONY STARK'S DAUGHTER?!"


His face fell, and turned almost as cold as stone. I knew this was going to happen, and this is why I wanted him to know the truth. Tony Stark 1, Y/N 0.

"So this whole time," he said quietly, "you've only hung out with me because you were spying on me?"


"And you're only pretending to like me because it was part of the job?"

Y/N shook her head, "No that's not true, well the first part is, but I never intended on liking you. Once I got to know you, I realized being friends with you was way better than the mission. I would rather be called your girlfriend, then called Y/N Stark."

Peter's face stayed the same for a few moments, as he processed everything. I grinned satisfactorily, knowing my plan had worked. However, Peter's face suddenly snapped into a huge smile and he pulled Y/N into a hug.


"Yeah, I couldn't fake this," Y/N said, "I really Like you Peter."


As the boy continued to scream his head of excitedly, I sighed dramatically. Guess I lost after all. I stalked back inside the restaurant, grabbing my stuff from my chair.

"Let's go," I said to Happy, who was still stuffing his face full of shawarma.

"Let me guess," He said, "Peter didn't care, and they're still together."

"Shut up Happy."


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