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I think it's time I told him.

"Are we still going to talk about it?" I asked.

Peter had left to make adjustments to his suit, and now was sitting on the couch across from me. He was fiddling with his mask, poking at the eyes to seem distracted. It was obvious he was hanging onto my every word, but I decided not to push it.

"About what?" He murmured.

"You know what I'm talking about."

"I'm sorry," he said, setting his mask down beside him, "do we have to do this right now?"

"I feel like we should," I explained, "if we keep putting it off, I feel like we'll never figure it out."

"What is there to figure out?"

"Us," I said, my hand waving around, "literally us as a whole."

"I wasn't aware there was a us," he snapped, "that ended a long time ago."

I wasn't sure what was going on, whatever happened between meeting mysterio and now, must have been bad. Peter seemed angry, and I've never seen him like this. He'd always been understanding and kind.

"What's wrong with you?" I said, narrowing my eyes, "I'm trying to fix things, and you're being difficult."

"You know what's been difficult?" he spat out, "being thrown away for a stupid reason."

"I know it was stupid! Jesus, why do you think I'm trying to tell you the truth?"

"The truth?" he said, "I doubt it's anything but that."

"Why did you even come here? I'm starting to think it wasn't for me."

"It was for you," he raved, "and I thought maybe there was hope for us, but you didn't seem to want that."

"I'm literally trying to make that happen, are you crazy?"

"I heard you talking to Fury! Don't pretend you still love me, I heard what you said."

"I've been here the whole time! How could I have possibly talked to Fury?"

"I don't know! I saw you in the hallway with him, and you said you only pretended to want me here because it made you look good. To have me running after you after all these months must have really boosted your ego."

"I never said that!" I defended, "I can barely walk, how am I supposed to get up and talk to Fury?!"

"You tell me!" he yelled, "and you know what? Forget it. I'm done being used by you. You aren't worth my time."

"Excuse me?"

"You aren't worth my time." he repeated, "you complain about hating heroes like me, so congratulations, I'm leaving."

"Peter, Listen to me-"

"Leave me alone," he said, walking out the door, "you don't deserve it."

I tried to get up and stop him, but the doors slammed shut in my face. I hit my fist against the metal wall, and muttered a series of curses that my dad would have never approved of. Neither would Peter, but he doesn't seem to care.

I slumped down on my pillow, fuming with anger and confusion. None of this made sense. Literally nothing. First he blames me for being crazy and making things up, but then he's over here accusing me of horrible things.

And Beck seems to be enjoying our fighting. That tech stealing thief really thinks he has the right to talk to me, but apparently he made the suit himself. I've seen the way it was made, like a fake CGI comic cosplay.


I sat up, alarmed. Beck said he was from an alternate dimension, but which one? I rolled over onto my side, and propped myself up in front of my hologram setter.

"Ethan," I spoke into my watch, "how many possible dimensions are there, considering human travel limitations?"

"There are a total of three possible destinations that would transport a human safely."

"Which dimension is Quentin Beck from?"


"You're kidding, right?"

"Quentin Beck was a former employee to Stark Industries, released from his job during your fathers employ."

"So that's where he got my inter-dimensional tech from," I muttered, "He used to work here."

"Incorrect. Beck was not enlisted in that field."

"What field was he in then?"

"Illusion-technology. He was responsible for the creation of B.A.R.F."

"The therapeutic device?"


Illusion technology. He was a fake! I could have guessed that, but this was the proof I needed. He could create fake scenes to fool the minds, which was pretty cool.

Except when used to hurt people.

This couldn't be right. But it had to be. How else could I have seen my dad? And that also explained why Peter didn't see the Elementals! The software must have changed to New York when he arrived, and only I could see it!

I grabbed the side of the bed, and slowly stood on two feet. It hurt insanely, but I knew I had to find Peter and tell him that Beck was a fake; that he was trying

to hurt us intentionally.

I leaned up against the wall for support as I limped down the hallway, yelling out Peter's name. Talos popped his head out of the doorway in confusion, watching my poor attempt at walking.

"Where's peter?" I asked, 'wait- don't answer that. Are you real?"

"I think so," the man said, "Are you okay?"

"What's your real name?"

"I already told you, Talos."

I sighed, and nodded my head, "good. Have you seen Peter?"

"He just left," he said, "Beck reported signs of a new elemental near Prague."

"I have to go there," I pleaded, "now. It's important."

"You're in no state to do that, you do realize?"

"Quentin is a fake," I said, "He's using illusion technology to trick us."


"Just get me to Prague," I repeated, "Peter isn't safe."

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