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//AN: light angst, w/ a happy ending. Set on the Argo II//

A loud yelp echoed throuought the cabins on the Argo II, waking Annabeth up. She sat up  in her bed, rubbing her eyes sleepily, when she heard a scream. Percy's scream.  

Annabeth jumped out of bed and ran into percy's Cabin, pausing for a second before she opened the door. Percy was layed on his bed, thrashing and turning in his sleep, occasionally whimpering and crying out.

"Percy?" Annabeth whispered, "it's me... are you having a nightmare?"

Percy didn't even notice.

Sighing, Annabeth sat on percy's Bed next to him, placing her hand on his forehead and gently stroking his hair back. His eyes shot open in a panic, before they found hers. Percy said nothing, but carefully tugged Annabeth down next to him and wrapping his arms around her, tucking her head under his chin.

"Annabeth," he whispered, kissing her lightly on the forehead. 

"Yeah seaweed brain?" She replied.

"I love you" 

"Love you too"

Percabeth one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now