My way home is through you.

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(Anyone catch the MCR reference?)

"Annabeth?" Percy called, not wanting to leave the dryness of the store to run under their shared umbrella. Annabeth turned, laughing slightly as she saw the stack of books that she had asked Percy to get for her while she waited outside. She walked over to the store front and pulled her backpack off, handing it to Percy so that he could put the books inside of it.

"How long till the bus gets here?" Percy asked, his teeth chattering from the cold. Annabeth huddled inside of her jacket and checked the phone.

"Fuck." Percy whispered.

Annabeth nodded. "Three minutes."

And with that, the two ran as fast as they could to the nearest bus stop, not stopping even to splash each other in the puddles as they usually would. The bus was a minute late, thank the gods, so they could catch their breaths.

*a moment later, on the bus.*

The pair of demigods collapsed on the back seats of the bus, soaking wet and grinning like idiots. To an outsider, it may have seemed like the two were in their own personal bubble, by the way they only had eyes for each other. The bus was cold and damp, but the two emoted their own sort of warmth; love.

"Seaweed brain?" Annabeth murmured, resting her head on percy's shoulder. Percy hummed in response, his hand taking annabeth's automatically and placing them on his lap.

"I love you."

Percy smiled and kissed annabeth on her forehead. "I love you too, Wise girl."

//thx FirewaterBetweenBook for the people watching idea. I saw something cute and wrote it lol. Sorry it's so short XD//

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