Must have been mistaken - fluff

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//AN: LolaP1 this is for you, sorry about all that angst XD. this isn't edited so any typos will probably still be there, plus I know it's kinda short but it's 3am right now and I have to be up at five lol. if you have any requests feel free to comment them, enjoy lmao//

"Percy?" Annabeth sighed. Percy span around in his chair from his computer desk to face his beautiful fiancé, and gently placed his Doritos on the desk now behind him.

"yes, my love?" he smirked, jokingly making kissy faces at her. Annabeth smiled for a moment before responding, looking him dead in the eye. suddenly, the room was silent. There was no laughter anymore, no joy. The atmosphere was cold and dangerous, as if something was close to shattering - as if someone was about to get hurt. 

Annabeth turned to face Percy completely, slowly taking a step forward while resting her hand nonchalantly on her dagger. 

"Wha-What's wrong?" Percy whispered, startled and afraid. an angry Annabeth was not to be messed with.

"Perseus Jackson, I'm about to fucking lose my mind." Annabeth snarled, making him gulp in fear.

"you watched harry potter without me?" she yelled, getting in Percy's face aggressively. which, must have looked pretty funny since Percy was still in the spinney chair.

"Annabeth I- no!"

"Explain then, Perseus, why the case is out and there are bowls of snacks everywhere?"

Percy smiled, gently removing Annabeth's hand from her dagger and taking it in his.

"I was waiting for you to get home from work, wise girl. I thought we could cuddle and marathon a couple of the movies together."

"Oh." was all Annabeth said. she looked ashamed of herself for  moment before smiling at him, dragging Percy to the sofa and kicking off her shoes. Percy made a wild grab for his Doritos before being pushed onto the sofa and buried under a hundred blankets and pillows, and instead just held his fiancé close.

"I love you, Seaweed brain." Annabeth whispered as the opening sequence played.

"I love you too, Wise girl."

Percabeth one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now