Collage AU

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*Annabeth's POV*

"Annabeth," a soft voice whispered. "Wake up wise girl."

I groaned and snuggled into Percy, desperate for more sleep. "Five more minutes." I sleepily mumble.

Percy laughed and rolled me onto my back, kissing me gently on my forehead while leaning over me. "Cmon, we've got class in an hour."

That woke me up. Yawning, I sat up and dragged on some skinny jeans and a t-shirt, slapping Percy gently when I caught him staring. He just laughed and kissed me quick before we walked to class, grabbing some coffee along the way.

*time skip bc the author is lazy, they're in class now*

"Annabeth chase?" the professor called. I lazily put my hand up and said "here sir." before immediately slumping back down onto my desk, my arm shielding my eyes from the bright lights. As much as I needed to learn this for exams, I was way  too tired to stay awake. suddenly, I felt a light tap on the back of my head. I looked around, half expecting a monster to be standing behind me In my half asleep state before I realised that it was only Percy, three rows back. I smiled at him sleepily, ignoring his smirk, and bent down to pick up the paper.

Try to stay awake Wise girl.   I love you.       -Percy Xxx

I smiled at the crumpled up paper, folding it and putting it in my pocket before the professor could see us. A few people, other students, were looking curiously at it. Still smirking, Percy blew me a kiss before turning back to his notes.

Shaking my head fondly at his sweetness, I realise how quiet it is in the room. Silent. Suddenly, the proffessor's voice echoed throughout the hall, making me jump.

"Miss chase, would you kindly stop talking in my lecture?"

I nod silently, trying not to act like being called out in front of the entire class bothered me.

Come on Annabeth, you defeated Gaia, you won multiple wars, you literally went through hell and back. You can handle talking to a Proffessor.

"Er... yes sir."

Okay maybe not.

A few students snickered, but stopped when I gave them one of my infamous death stares. I glanced back at Percy when the proffessor started talking again, and laughed a little before paying attention to the lecture. 

Part 2 is coming, i'm Just too lazy to write any more. Requests are open.

Percabeth one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now