Chapter 14: Earth-chan in the Hospital

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Earth-chan was lying in a private ward in the infirmary. She was still unconscious, with an IV drip attached to her arm. On one of the chairs next to her bed, there was Moon-kun sitting, fallen into deep thoughts. His countenance expressed the utmost worry and concern. He had hung his head in his hands.

The door creaked and opened. Earth's two friends – Venus and Mars – rushed in, followed by Pluto-chan and Charon-kun. All of them had disturbed faces.

"How is she?" Venus ran up to the sleeping Earth-chan's bed.

"Her condition has stabilized, according to my father, but I'm not sure... He'll bring more analyses later today." Moon gazed at Earth-chan, his heart sunken from the heaviness that overwhelmed it.

"Ugh, poor Earth-chan..." Venus fell onto one of the chairs near the bed and touched the sleeping Earth's sallow hand. She rummaged through her handbag and pulled out an Ultra-Fire Meteor Shampoo. "Anyway, I've brought her this shampoo. Let the doctor use it on her. She can't be holding those parasites forever. Look what they've done to her!"

Tears poured off her eyes. She cuddled with Mars. This latter embraced her and caressed her on the hair:

"Okay, Venus-chan, easy... She's going to be fine, don't you worry... Earth-chan is a strong girl. She'll handle it."

"I'm so worried! Everything is those parasites' fault!"

"Even if they're parasites, they're still living beings."

Moon-kun frowned – what she said was against Earth's feelings and values, hence, was unacceptable for him in the current situation. Now, when Earth was so weakened, she needed their whole support, instead of criticism.

However, Venus couldn't be reassured so easily:

"Earth-chan is a living being too! She nurtures those bacteria – without her care, they won't live. Why don't they realise it? Or are they just so selfish?"

"Venus Senpai has a point." Pluto said. "Those parasites are eating up Earth-chan's health and therefore, are damaging themselves. If they cannot realise that much, then I guess they don't really deserve to live."

"I completely agree, Pluto-chan." Charon nodded.

"I do understand Moon-kun's and Earth-chan's point," Mars shrugged on his part, "but I too should agree with Venus on this one. Earth-chan is like a mother to those parasites, so, in my opinion, what they're doing right now is just heartless."

Moon sighed – he could well understand what these people spoke was the purest truth. Yet, he had such pity on poor Earth-chan, who should be obliged to get rid of her little inhabitants yet again, because of the latter ones' own recklessness! She had lived through such a painful moment in the past too, as he had heard from his father – when they put Earth to sleep and got rid of her dinosaur parasites. Now, Moon could understand the girl wanted to maintain these new inhabitants who had chosen her out of all planets to live on. With them by her side, she felt special, like never before. Yet, they were going to rid her of that delight very soon because they considered these creatures some poisonous parasites... and they indeed acted like ones.

If only humans could understand how Earth Senpai feels! I am sure they'd think about their wrong behaviour and come up with solutions.

"Anyway," Venus wiped off her last tears, "tell her we visited when she wakes up. We'll visit again by then."

"Will do."

The four friends left the ward. Moon remained alone once more. He didn't leave the room, even though the guests weren't recommended to stay. He had made up his mind to remain there until Earth would wake up and get well. Since he was the doctor's son, they had made an exception for him.

When the evening came, Doctor Theia entered the room and brought the results of the analyses.

"How is she?" Moon sprang up once saw him enter.

"For now, her condition has stabilized, but I cannot say it is good." Theia furrowed his brow. "Tomorrow, if it doesn't get better, we shall use the shampoo to get rid of her parasites."

Moon widened his eyes – tomorrow?!

"Is there no other way?"

"I'm afraid not. Either she uses the shampoo, or she dies. There is this factor, though – if those parasites cease to poison her, everything shall be fine. But I, as a scientist, don't believe in fairy-tales."

Moon's heart sank – so there was indeed no other way.

Sorry, Earth Senpai, it is a time when even I cannot be of any help...

Tears filled his eyes. He had gotten angry over his helplessness.

Ugh, if only those humans could understand what they're doing! How can they be so brainless? If only I could somehow speak with them!

He hung his head in despair – it was of no use. Father was right – what could parasites possibly understand?

Little did he realise, that such unusual nearness of his with Earth-chan, was enough of a message for those parasitic humans to come up with new, quite surprising plans.

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