Chapter 17: Earth-chan goes on a Recovery

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After that night, Earth-chan's condition began slowly improving, so that they made up their mind not to force her to use the Meteor Shampoo and see how she'd manage. It rejoiced Moon a lot – Earth-chan's wish would be reckoned with, and she had begun recovering!

I guess Neil Gowan has indeed taken action...

Earth woke up. Moon met her with brightened eyes:

"Earth Senpai, you're awake!"

He sprang onto the edge of her bed and grabbed her hand in his palms.


"Ah, I'm so happy! How are you feeling? I'll call the doctor!"

Indeed, soon Theia-san was alerted of the matters and came in. He examined Earth-chan and attested that she was recovering:

"It is quite an interesting case." He looked down at the papers of the analyses. "It seems that those parasites have reduced the amount of poison."

"Really?" A grateful smile covered Earth's face, "I knew they'd come to know they were wrong."

When Theia left, Moon told Earth-chan about his and Neil Gowan's interaction. The girl was left dumbfounded:

"Huh? You managed to contact them?!"

"Yes, somehow... I don't know how, though. They had almost infested my hair too." he chuckled.

"Ah, that's terrible! Maybe it'd be better if you... held your distance with me too, as others do?"

"What are you saying? I don't mind if I get infested," Moon squeezed her hand, "as long as I get to remain close to you."

Earth grew astounded. Her lips formed in a bright smile. She hugged him:

"Thank you, Moon-kun."

She's... hugging me?!

Moon flew up to infinite heavens with happiness. He embraced her back.



"You've never abandoned this room while I was here, have you?"

"Um, no..."

"Moon-kun, will you accept to be my boyfriend?"


"You don't want to?" Earth got frightened.

"No, what are you saying?! I'd love to! It... It is just so unexpected!"

Earth observed his joyful face and giggled.

"Thank you."

The newly-formed young couple hugged each other tightly. Moon was flying into infinite heavens, while Earth felt truly happy within – finally, she had found a man who truly cared about her... Moon-kun was the one she needed and had been searching, for all this time.

After such a delightful turn of events, Earth's friends visited her in the ward as promised. Venus, Mars, Pluto, Charon – everyone came.

"Earth-chan, you woke up! You're alright! Ah, I'm so happy!" Venus squeezed her in her embraces, sobbing hysterically, "Ah, Earth-chan!"

Seeing his girlfriend's such sentimentality, Mars chuckled and palmed his face. Earth, on her part, tightly hugged her dearest friend and thanked her for her attention and care. Mars hugged Earth-chan as a close friend too.

Pluto and Charon had brought their whole group of emos, and every one of them congratulated Earth on her recovery and healthiness. They had even brought her beautiful presents in blue boxes (they chose blue since it was the only emo colour Earth loved).

After their visit came to an end, yet other visitors arrived – Betelgeuse-san and VY Canis Majoris.

"Ah, Earth-chan, darling, you've gotten well! Thank goodness! I'm so happy for you!" Betelgeuse pressed the little girl to her bosom, gifting her all the starry warmth. "We were so worried!"

"Here you go, tiny. Congratulations on your recovery! Such a strong girl!" Victor winked at her and gave her a beautifully-wrapped gift.

"Thank you so much, Victor Senpai, Betelgeuse Senpai!" Earth hugged them.

The visits didn't end even here. Cosmos-sama, Earth's very own father, visited her too and hugged and kissed her, expressing his utmost happiness for his daughter's health. Then, he rubbed the intimidated Moon-kun's hair and smiled at him with gratitude:

"Thank you, Moon-san, for watching over my daughter. I am hereby indebted to you."

Moon cast his eyes down in awe:

"Well, I often cause trouble to you, Cosmos-sama, so..."

"Your punishments will become milder from now on. I wouldn't advise you to continue causing troubles, though." Cosmos chuckled kindly and soon left the room.

Yet even this was not the last visit – Earth-chan's whole group including meanie Jupiter and Saturn visited her and brought her gifts, congratulating her on her recovery. Then, Sun came as well. Seeing him, Moon furrowed his brow and clenched his fists, while Earth clutched her blanket – the last thing she remembered with Sun was how he told her those mean words...

However, now Sun seemed different – he had taken off his 'cool' sunglasses and acted more modestly than usual. He approached Earth-chan's bed, took a seat on a chair, and looked down:

"Earth-chan, dear... Congratulations on your recovery, and... I am terribly sorry for my words of before. You are such a strong and courageous girl, you withstood all this hardship so bravely! I was terribly wrong about you. I am truly sorry."

Earth and Moon widened their eyes – Sun Senpai apologized? They couldn't understand what had caused this sudden change.

"Thank you, Sun Senpai."

Sun smiled at Earth:

"Say... I know we've had quite complicated times but, would you mind staying friends?"

"Sure, Sun Senpai, I am still a member of the Solar Group." Earth winked.

"Well, that sure makes me happy! Thank you!"

He and the girl shook hands in terms of reconciliation, and soon, Sun left. Moon raised an eyebrow:

"What has gotten into him?"

"Dad talked to him and his father sometime before, so I think it worked?" Earth laughed. Moon too burst out laughing. Then, Earth received Venus-chan's message via phone. "Oh..."

"What is it?" Moon asked.

"Venus wrote to me now whether Sun had visited me. I replied positively, and she texted me the reason – Sun lost his mother in a hospital long ago, so he felt terribly worried about me. He blamed himself and his words as the cause of my lying in a hospital, and agonized over it until now when I finally woke up."

"He is still a good guy, I guess..."

"He is warm-hearted, but when you get too close to him, he burns. That is how he is, and there's no changing him. I am grateful for having him as the leader of my group, but as a boyfriend, you are a perfect choice for me." Earth smiled, making Moon blush.

Earth-chan's life began improving since that day. We think humans played a big part in this change.

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