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"john. will you please just...go and talk to them. accidentally bump into one of them. flirt with the drummer. anything. you won't get anywhere by just standing in the corner of the bar and using your little twin sister as an excuse to be here."

"honey, they already have a bassist. they wouldn't need me anyways."

"okay, one, you're a much better bass player than that twat. and secondly, maybe they don't need you, but they'll want you. so john, just please."

"i don't know."

"oh dear god. come with me"

i grab my brothers sweaty palm and drag him through the pub, making my way to the back where i saw the band exit.

"-can you play the bass!?"


i turn raising an eyebrow at my brother and the look of hope that i see in his eyes make my heart swell. i nod my head towards the van where the two boys sat drinking their pints and smoking their cigs.

"john if you don't go over there and talk to them i swear i will do it for you. and lord knows how much of a priss that'll make you look like." i whisper harshly.

"but what if they already have a bass player in mind?" he whispers back, keeping his jaw clenched and barely moving his lips.

"trust me, they don't. and i alwa-"

"you always know. i know." he interrupts, rolling his eyes.

"so go over there, and say something to them you hell of a-"

our whisper shouting was cut short by the smoothest voice i've ever heard in my entire life.

"are you two doing alright over there?"

john and i both turn to look at them, i raise my eyebrow at john as i used my twin telepathy to tell him, now is your chance you dimwit.

"i'm sorry to seem intrusive or as if we we're eavesdropping because we definitely weren't. but we overheard that you two were looking for a bass player?"


i stood backstage in the small pub with my twin brother as he nervously tuned his bass. i placed my hand on his tense arm and smiled softly.

"you've got this johnny. this is the first show of many. i just know it. and just like always, i'll be front and center cheering you on."

he smiles back at me and continues tuning his bass guitar. i stand up and turn to make my way out of the back hall when i come face to face with a broad chest.

"oh! i'm so sorry, i wasn't paying attention. i'm such a klutz honestly. are you alright? i'm so sorry." i chuckle nervously as i begin to ramble and bend down to pick up the envelope that had fallen onto the floor.

"'s alright love. you're deacons sister? i'm brian. that's freddie. and that mess of hair over there is roger."

i look up at the tall curly haired man and nod my head, smiling at the boy next to him, handing the envelope back . i look at the blonde drummer who stood next to him, hip cocked out with a subtle smirk on his face. i blush and look down at the floor pulling a piece of hair behind my ear.

"i'm honey." i smile at them.

"honey? is that your real name?" roger asks quirking an eyebrow at me subtly trying to look me up and down.

i chuckle and place my hands in my pocket shrugging my shoulders.

"guess you'll find out." i smirk at him and turn towards the crowd that has formed in the small pub.

"it was nice officially meeting the rest of the band. hopefully you guys can keep up with john." i wink playfully at the bunch as freddie and brian chuckle and roger smiles, eyeing me curiously.

i walk out of the hall and find an empty stool at the front of the bar and face the stage. as the boys walk out i whoop and cheer like my life depends on it. john looks at me and smiles, while softly straightening up his posture. brian leans towards the mic clearing his throat.

"ello everyone. i'm brian, this is freddie, john, and you all know roger."

the girls scream at the mention of his name and i roll my eyes slightly. sure he's attractive, but do they even know him? i mean honestly. i suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder and i turn to the bartender who slides over what looks like a dirty shirley with extra cherries. i look at the bartender confused as i shake my head softly. it's my regular order, but i never ordered this.

"i didn't order this." i say, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion as i slide the drink back towards her.

"i know, that gentleman over there did." she says, pointing to a man sitting on the back end of the bar.

he raises his glass at me and i smile, raising mine. i immediately turn my head back to the band when i hear the chords to what i'm assuming is a Smile original. i nod my head to the beat as i sip on my drink, tapping my foot against the side of the stool. freddie begins moving eccentrically up and down the stage. i smile and watch them intensely. it feels as though i've almost been hypnotized. they're like magic up there.


as the set finishes i run backstage and attack my brother with the biggest hug i could've given him.

"that was amazing john! you guys honestly were so good. really. i couldn't keep my eyes off of you four. and those solos? dear god. i almost melted right into my seat. i swear, if you guys don't have a world tour in the next five years i promise you i just may throw a fit." i ramble excitedly.

john laughs and ruffles my hair.

"alright honey. you're rambling again."

"i think it's cute."

i look up and my eyes meet rogers and i smile sheepishly at him.

"thank you honey. means a lot, really. also, everyone, this is mary. mary meet brian, roger, john, and john's twin sister honey."

"honey? that's a beautiful name." mary smiles at me.

i smile back at her.

"thank you. i wish i could take credit for it, but it was all my mothers idea." i rock back and forth on my feet.

"well, in honor of your first gig together, drinks on me tonight." i smile.

the boys whoop and make their way out to the bar and roger is immediately crowded by 90% of the women in the pub. i shake my head and walk next to john.

"i'm really proud of you johnny. you did really good."

"and it's all because of you. what exactly would i do without you honey deacon?" john wraps and arm around my shoulder.

"probably become a recluse."

honey // r. taylor *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now