twenty nine

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being nine months pregnant was not an easy task

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being nine months pregnant was not an easy task. roger of course had been an absolute delight in catering to my every need, and i'm not going to lie when i say that i actually kind of liked the 24/7 coddling from roger. as much as i knew i was very capable of doing things on my own, it didn't mean i wanted to. i'm full term with twins for goodness sake. mary's giggle echoes through the kitchen as she and camila help bring the bowls down from the top shelf for me. 

"i'm just saying, honey. i think you're bound to pop literally any minute now."

i shrug as i open the jar of peanut putter, scooping it onto the bowl and camila pours the potato chips out of the bag and into the other bowl. 

"you know, the craving and morning sickness are supposed to stop around the seventh month. are you just eating these because you like them?"

"of course i like them. but...i don't know. other things don't taste the same to me anymore." i say as i pop a chip into my mouth. 

"yeah, i can agree on you with that." mary groans as she rubs her swollen tummy, popping a peanut butter covered chip into her mouth. 

camila grimaces as she eyes the two of us. 

"i don't know how you two could eat that."

"you know, i didn't know either, until i got pregnant." mary shrugs as she licks the peanut butter off of her finger. 

"just wait until you get pregnant." i say, pointing over to camila. 

her face immediately heats up as she shakes her head. 

"i'm going to grab the boys some more beers." she says quickly as she grabs extra bottles and makes her way into my living room. 

"honey, love!?"

my head snaps up at rogers voice as i continue to coat the potato chip in the caramel colored goodness. 

"yes, my love?"

"you alright!?"

"'m fine. you just keep writing those songs." i say through a mouthful of sticky peanut butter and chips. 

"you know honey you shouldn't talk with your mouth full." brian shouts. 

"brian if you don't shut up i'll shove your science degree up you arse." i yell out casually as i pour myself a glass of grape soda. 

"it's not a science degree. it's astr-"

"yeah yeah. tell chrissie about it or something." i waver off.

i hear grumbling coming from the living room as the other boys laugh, having a go at brian. suddenly, a sharp pain shoots up my side. causing me to gasp and spill some of the soda as i slam the gasp on the table. mary immediately shoots up and makes her way to my side. 

"are you okay?"

i groan, nodding my head.

"i'm okay. just a cramp."

"what if-"

"no. it's not a contraction. i'm okay."

i take a deep breath, and straighten out my back. my hands on my stomach as i look down at the humongous bump.

"you two are killing me. just come out already, please."

"you know, i have a feeling you're water is breaking tonight." mary smirks, winking at me. 

"i have a feeling you're right. but let's just hope it's later on. and not right this second, because all of the boy's have had a few drinks. and i'd rather not my husband drunk drive me and his crowning children to the hospital."

mary nods her head as she leans back up against the table. 

"it's a genuine concern."

i laugh, shaking my head. 

"a genuine concern?"

"yeah. a genuine concern. but unlucky for you, your babies don't care about concerns. they just want out."

"i want them out too bu-"

another sharp pain erupts throughout the lower half of my body, and i bite harshly on my lip. my grip tightening on mary's hand. 

"maybe i should go get r-"

"no. no, just let it pass. it could be braxton hicks. and i don't want to worry roger unless it's absolutely necessary."

"unless what's absolu- honey are you alright?" camila asks, throwing the empty bottle into the bin and walk over to me. 

her arms encasing themselves around me, helping me stand up straight. 

"we say nothing to the boys unless there's water rushing down my legs. and even if there is, do not scream about it. if you shout, the boys will go crazy."

"they're going to go crazy either way, honey." mary points out. 

"yes i know, but if we announce it calmly, maybe they won't freak out as much as they would if we all just started shouting."

they both nod, muttering a 'good point' underneath their breaths. 

"come on. let's pace. i've heard that helps induce labor." camila smiles gently at me and we begin to walk back and forth in the kitchen. 

my breathing becoming more and more labored and the contractions starting to come more frequently. we continue pacing back and forth for another fifteen minutes, letting the rowdy boys in my living room drown out the noises of the girls helping me through breathing exercises. a final jolt shoots up my spine and i feel the rush of water run down my bare legs, pooling at my feet. we all look at each other, nodding calmly, and the two girls help me make my way towards the living room. i calmly walk through the doorway, my breathing becoming more and more shallow. the boys turn to look up at me, their laughter ceasing.

 "excuse me. sorry to bother. but i'm giving birth"

"you're wHAT"

honey // r. taylor *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now