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i leaned against the counter with camila at my side as she doodled on a notepad.

"you know what would bring in more customers?" i asked.

"if your cute boyfriend and his cute band members stood at the door?"

i laugh shaking my head, chucking a small breadcrumb at her.

"no. if we converted it into a restaurant/bakery. i mean think about it. people wouldn't know what to do with a loaf of bread other than make a sandwich with it...and we'd save more money because we're actually using the bread we make instead of just taking most of it home. and we can sell the desserts and pastries up front and in the restaurant." i suggested.

camila raised her eyebrow, looking at me intriguingly.

"go on.." she smirked, flipping her notepad over, taking notes on my ideas as i spat them out at her.

"we could make delicious breakfast foods and we could also put in an espresso bar! oh dear i'm getting to excited. alright. and for lunch, we could create a deli section in the menu, because who doesn't love a gourmet sandwich? and for dinner, well the options are endless, truly."

camila smiled wide and bit into a slice of bread that i had yet to notice her grab.

"i'm so glad i hired you."

"well technically your parents hired me."

"oh same thing."

"anyways, before pitching the idea to your parents. i suggest creating a menu first? we could use the boys as guinea pigs, put the final options onto a small menu. and then make them all for your parents to try? we could do it tonight?" i suggest.

"yes! oh honey i just might marry you."

"careful now, john will get jealous." i smirk.

her face turns red at the mention of my brother. she shakes her head, chuckling nervously.

"oh come on. just because i'm his twin sister doesn't mean you can't talk to me about these things. just don't get too...detailed. plus it's very obvious that he likes you. and that you like him."

"he likes me?" she looks up at me with a hopeful glimmer in her eye.

"mhmm." i hum, nodding at her as i wipe down the glass containing the pastries.

"well, even still. i don't know how i'd ever be able to talk to him. i only ever see him a couple of times when he stops by to see you."

"he's not coming to see me."

she quirks he head at me, her face scrunching up in confusion. i laugh shaking my head at her.

"you're so oblivious sometimes."

"you love it."

"i know john does."


"well that was a waste of a perfectly good baguette."


camila and i walk into my apartment and we throw the groceries onto the table. she groans, sitting onto one of the chairs.

"you're apartment is kind of far from the bakery, no?"

i shake my head as i start taking the groceries out of the paper bags and putting things in their respective places.

"it kind of is, i've been staying at rogers a lot. but it doesn't really matter to me either way."

camila hums and smirks and me, wiggling her eyebrows.

"oh! speaking of roger, i should call him and tell him to come here with the boys so they can test all of our dishes tonight."

camila nods and stand up helping me bring out bowls and pans and making as much room in the kitchen for our future mess as possible.

"alright. i'm going to go grab some notecards and a pen and i'll be right back."

"okay, do you mind if i start the kettle?"

i shake my head, waving my hand at her.

"no. go right on ahead. the tea is in the third cabinet next to the refrigerator."

i run into my room grabbing a pack of notecards and a few pens. i walk out into the kitchen and i sit on the table with camila.

"well, let's get started."

"i'm ready to injure myself for the greater good."

"i- camila are you alright?"


i flip the cinnamon loaf french toast as camila mashes the strawberries that we had reduced on the stove. i plate the french toast and put the plate onto the table when the door opens and the boys crowd in.

"smells good, honey." brian yells through the apartment and i wince slightly.

"bri, there's no need to yell."

roger walks over giving me a light kiss and i smile at him.

"hi love."

"hey goldie."

"hi camila."

camila whips around, looking at john. her ears turning slightly red.

"hi john."

roger gives me a confused glare and i quirk my eyebrow, shrugging. he smiles at me as i wink, turning back to the stove.

"mila, are the stawberries and the icing done?"

"huh? oh. yeah. mhm. just give me a second."

i turn to look at the flustered warm faced girl and she quickly starts reducing the strawberries down. i smirk at my brother, and his face heats up and he gives me a glare. i shake my head and mila pours the strawberries and icing over the toast. i put the plate on the table in front of the curious boys and throw down some forks.

"alright, now eat it."

"that felt oddly like a deja vu moment."

"roger i want to stab you with this fork."

"well now that's just rude deaky."


the boys groan, hands on their stomachs, all slouching against the chairs and camila and i finish cleaning up the kitchen.

"so, now, how about dessert?"

the boys let out another loud collectively groan and freddie slams his hand on the table.

"i will cause anarchy if you try and make me eat one more godforsaken dish, honey deacon."

i laugh and shake my head while camila giggles.

"i'm just kidding. we're all done for the day. get ready for another day like this next week. sorry not sorry boys."

"you're so lucky we love you."

"some more than others."

"roger you're her boyfriend. and i'm her brother. different type of love. but i love her more."

"no you love ca-"

"i will lock honey in a cupboard."

"can you lock me in there too?"

"don't make me throw up on you."

honey // r. taylor *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now