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*the day before leaving*

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*the day before leaving*

closing the door to my apartment, i throw my things onto the couch and toss my dirty apron onto the counter. i lean against the counter, throwing my head in my hands, replaying the earlier moments on today in my mind. 

"honey. can we talk?"

i turn, looking at camila and her family, nodding my head at them as i wipe my hands onto my apron. 

"of course."

christopher sighs as he hands over a small envelope. camila and her mother not bearing to look me in the eye.

"i'm so sorry. the bakery just isn't doing so well and we don't have the means to keep you with us. but there should be enough here for the next month. i'm so sorry."

i stand there for a moment processing what he had just said. 

"honey, i'm so sorry. and i hope you don't hate-"

"i could never. it's not your fault. and i wish you all the best of luck. i really do."

groaning, i throw myself onto the couch and let out a frustrated scream into the pillow. flailing my arms around much like a child. i couldn't allow myself to be angry at them because it truly wasn't their fault, but it still frustrated me beyond recognition. the location of both me and john's and roger's apartment weren't within a good distance of any nearby hospitals. and the few clinics nearby weren't in need of any staff. the closest hospital within reach was about 30 minutes away. and to make that commute everyday would be far too much. but it's starting to look like at this point, i don't have much of a choice. i paid too much for schooling to keep working jobs that don't relate to my degree in any way shape or form. so hopefully this was the silver lining, but then again, i'm probably trying to talk myself out of throwing myself a pity party and eating all of the sweets that i could possibly find in the apartment. standing up off of the couch, i wipe my face off and put the kettle on the stove to make myself  cup of tea when the phone rings. i take a deep breath and take the phone off of the receiver, holding it to my ear. 


"honey! i'm so sorry! i honestly didn't know my parents were going to-"

"mila. it's okay. really. plus, i should probably get a job pertaining to the degree that i spent a lot of money on." i chuckle. 

i hear her sigh and shuffle through things on the other end. 

"honey, the hospital is half an hour away."

"i can take the tube everyday, mila. it's alright. really. and honestly, i could easily move out and find somewhere else to live so that i could be closer if i really needed. it's alright mila. please don't feel guilty. i don't hold anything above you or your family."

it's silent on the other end until i hear her sniffle. 

"mila are you-"

"no. gosh honey. why would you think that? i've got allergies. it's spring time. there's pollen everywhere."

honey // r. taylor *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now