Chapter 1 "Reality"

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For Helena, who hates Dramione

She knew it was wrong.She knew it
from the very beginning,but it was what everyone else was expected her to do,so she tried to convince herself that this was what she wanted,and maybe it was in the past,but not now,definitely not now.

She loved Ron with all her heart,but he wasn't the one that she would like to spend the rest of her life with.And after all this time,she was kind of relieved that she had figured it all out.

However,the main problem was that for Ron things were different.He loved her,and not as friend,you could see it by the way he gazed at her,talked to her,hugged her,kissed her,she was the one for him but sadly he wasn't the one for her.

Gazing at the sky while sitting on a bench outside from Hogwarts Hermione was trying to find a way to talk to Ron.

The war was over and most of the students had turned back to finish their final year.

Of course the scars were still there,the nightmares,the flashbacks from the battle,they were all there playing a bad game with students minds.Especially for the 'Golden trio' it was difficult to forget,probably impossible.

Well,everyone thought that it was more difficult for them than anyone else,but it wasn't because they had all forgot that weak,pale boy who used to be the king of Slytherin.Draco Malfoy,or how they were now calling him,the traitor,the deatheater.His father died during the battle,his mother was turning mad and he was forced to turn back to where everyone hated him.

And even if he wanted to change,to make right and apoligize for all the terrible things he had done,he couldn't.He had no friends,the ones that he once called friends would not talk to him now,sit with him for launch,join him in the common room.He had no support from his professors,the two that cared for him were both died.He had noone to talk to,to open up,to ask for help,to love.

And he truly needed someone,even if he wouldn't admit it,he needed someone by his side,someone that he could love and be loved back.

"Hurry up boys we will be late!"

"Class starts in 10 minutes we still have time.Relax,you don't have to be there earlier than the professor"Said Ron,taking a sit on the red sofa next to Harry

"Do whatever you want,I'm going."

The brunette took her bag and with fast steps left the common room.

"What's the matter with her?"Asked Ron,the moment that Hermione closed the door behind her.

"What do you mean?"Wondered Harry,turning his head to gaze his obviously confused friend.

"I mean,all these things happened between us during the war and I thought that afterwards we would be kind of together,you know.But she acts like nothing ever happened."

"Give her sometime mate,I'm sure you'll be fine,you have to,it's you and Hermione we are talking about,you are meant to be."

"I don't know...I'm not sure she believes that way."

"As I said,give her sometime,and if something is actually wrong,she will talk to you."

Hermione was walking down the big corridor,heading to the potion class when she heard loud voices and turned quickly at the left corner to see Neville Longbottom,Draco Malfoy,and two first year Gryffindors.

"I said leave them alone!You have no right to talk to them!"Neville shouted to the pale boy.Draco was just looking at him,too tired to response,you could see the bags unter his eyes,he was thinner,and his skin was more white than it normally was,he really looked sick.

"They got lost and I just helped them Longbottom.What did you want me to do?Be a jerk and ignore two nine year old kids?"

"You're a jerk Malfoy.Don't talk to any of the Gryffindors ever again.Actually don't talk to anyone,for your own good."

"Don't you fucking dare to tell me what is good for me because I swear to god I'll broke your nose."

"Like Hermione broke yours in the third year?"

She couldn't resist.The sound of her name made her jump and walk towards them.

"What is happening here?"She asked,irritated gazing mainly at Neville,trying to avoid eye contact with Malfoy.

She couldn't even look at him now.Yeah he was a ferret to her but they were children,even Ron used to be a complete jerk when they were younger.And she kind of understood him for his choices during the battle,she hadn't forgave him,not at all,but she could imagine how hurt it must was for him to go through all this.Yeah he might had a heart of stone,but stone breaks too,you just have to find something stronger and in that case,it was someone way stronger than him.

She didn't hate him,and probably she had never hated anyone.She was afraid that,if she looked at him,he may understand that there isn't any hate inside her.And that was not what she wanted.Yeah maybe she couldn't hate Malfoy,but she was able to pretend.

"Malfoy is a bully once again."Neville answered glowering at Malfoy.

"Don't make me say it again,I was helping them."

"You don't even know what help means Malfoy."

"You know what?I'm tired,and I have a class to go to.If you don't want to believe me it's your problem."

He turned his back,ready to walk away but then stopped again hearing Neville's words.

"Classic Malfoy."

He turned around to face him,he looked slightly less sick than before,maybe it was because now he was full of anger,you could see it by his expression and his face muscles,they were tighthen.

"Don't call me like this again,Longbottom."

"What changed?I remember that you liked this nickname"Neville said ironically.

"What changed?Are you kidding me?Fucking everything has changed,you are not the weak,coward boy that you used to be,Granger isn't the shy girl she used to be,and I'm not the fucking jerk I used to be.So don't you dare call me a classic Malfoy again,because I'm not."

She looked at him,the way he said her name was..different.Softer,without hate in his voice.But as he already said,everything has changed now.

"Neville,if Malfoy says that he helped them probably this is what he was doing,so a thank you would be better than an argument."

Neville laughed.

"He hasn't changed that much to thank him for something,he is still the Malfoy who called you a mudblood."

"I haven't called her like this since third year! For god sake."

Hermione couldn't talk,she was just looking at him.He was now angrier than before.

"But it still hurts Malfoy,tell me,if I call you a deatheater,will you forget it after four years?"

"Neville this is enough!"Hermione screamed at her friend.

"Please Granger,I don't need protection."Draco said.

He glanced at her for a moment and then left.

"Neville?!What were you thinking?"

She turned to her friend,and faced an almost broken boy,his whole expression and body attitude had been changed in just a second.

"I wasn't"He answered.

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