Chapter 11 "I'm sorry"

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She closed the door behind her and he moved to sit on the sofa again.

He closed his eyes tight and placed his face into his palms as that song turned back and into his head.

God knew why it had affected him so much and made him do what he did.His mind was so fucked up,probably ruined and that kiss with Granger didn't help at all.

He didn't know why but her presence didn't bother him now.Quite the opposite actually.

He could almost hear his father.Screaming at him,insulting him.But for a weird reason,he didn't really care.

His mind went back to the kiss he had shared with the Gryffindor girl earlier and he couldn't decide if he was glad or not that Weasley had seen them and stopped them.

It was nothing really.Just a few seconds between them.But it was a beautiful nothing.

He would lost himself with her and it felt strange,unfamiliar.He had always been so discipline and serious when it came to his behaviour but he would forget everything once she was close to him.And that scared him,almost petrified him.

"Talk to him."Harry murmured at Hermione.

"No Harry."She looked at Ron."He is the one who asked me to leave."

"But you kissed Malfoy."

"So what?"

"You just expected him to do nothing?He's in love with you and he sees you kissing the person who hates the most."The boy-who-lived gazed at their friend,making sure that he was still busy talking to Luna on the other side of the table.

"Harry the problem isn't Draco.The problem is that Ron overreacted."

"We should discuss about Malfoy too you know."

"There is nothing to discuss."

"Are you together or something?"

"For god sake Harry no."She said uncomfortably."Look,I'm not ready to discuss it with anyone right now.I just want some time to think okay?"

"Fair enough."

And then he lost her.Well at least he lost her attention as her eyes gazed at a very specific person,sitting at the Slytherin table.

"This will be interesting."He smirked.

"What?"She turned to him,giving him a confused look.

"Nothing."He laughed and she turned to face the blond again.
"Is it only me or Hermione Granger is staring at you?"Blaise murmured.

Draco turned to face him.

"Fuck off Blaise."

"I'm just saying,you guys looked good at the dance."

"I didn't ask for your opinion."

"Look Malfoy-"

"Don't do this."He cut him and gave him a warning glare."We won't act like we are fine just because of that stupid song okay?Grow up it was ages ago."

"Alright relax,I was just trying to be supportive."

"I don't want your support."He said and got up from the bench leaving the other wizard behind.

He left the dinning room and walked towards the nearest yard.

The thoughts of Blaise and their little chat left his mind immidiatly when he saw Granger and Weasley standing at the middle of the yard,their faces inches away.

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