Chapter 3 "Different"

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"Oh my god,I'm the worst student ever."

"Relax Hermione all of us had to get out of class once."Ron reassured her.

"Not me!"

"What is happening here?"Harry opened the door of the dormitory and found his friends sitting in the common room.

"Nothing important,just an other crisis"Ron answered pushing his finger into his hair.

"Nothing important?!You think this is not important?!"She shouted glowering at him.

"Hey relax!What happened?"Harry asked his friend,taking a step towards her.

She stood up from the sofa and took a deep breath,trying to relax herself.

"It's Malfoy's fault"Ron said flatly.

"Wait.Are you like that because Mcgonagall,"Harry looked at her."Come on Hermione it only happened once! It happens to me once a day!"

"I really need some fresh air before the second dance class."She mumbled.

"Class starts in 20 minutes,you have time."Ron comforted her.

"Good.I'll see you there."She took her red coat and with slow steps got out of the common room,then down the stairs and then walked towards the nearest yard.

The sky was blue,without any clouds,but it was really cold.

As she was walking around at the big yard,she noticed someone sitting on a bench some metres away from her.
She got closer,and find her dance partner sitting there,all alone.

His eyes were closed,seemed like he was asleep.He had rolled his sleeves up to his elbows once again,making his dark mark visible.

'Why is he doing this?' The young witch questioned herself.

She was trying to find a way to take off her mark,and he was walking around with his mark totally visible.

"You know some people don't like that Granger."

She jumped.

"Wh-what?"She gasped,still looking at him,he hadn't open his eyes yet.

"Looking them while they are asleep."

"Oh please,you weren't even asleep."

"Of course I was."He finally opened his eyes,and looked straight at her.

"And then how did you notice me?"She asked him,raising an eyebrow.

"I was asleep,until you came here."

She rolled her left sleeve and had a look at her watch.

"Oh shit."

"What?"He wondered.

"I'm late for class again,and so are you."

He stood up and took a big breath with his eyes closed.

"What class?"He asked when he opened his eyes.

"Dance class."

"Excellent."He said ironically and started walking towards the castle.

Hermione was right beside him.He was way taller than her,so he could easily walk with big steps and she was trying hard to keep up with him.

"You must be glad I woke you up."She said while they were walking on the corridor.


"Because if I hadn't,you would miss the class."

It feels like dyingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora