Chapter 17 "Dead"

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She didn't know what to do,what to think.

They had passed three days since she had last seen him.

She was just walking around the empty corridors of the castle.

Hogwarts was so silent without the students, without her friends, she needed someone, someone to talk to, to ask for help.

She couldn't handle this on her own.

All she knew was she missed him, and nothing made sense until she could be with him again.This is what it felt like to fall, and not care where you land.

And as she walking, she heard an other per of foot steps, and she knew it was him.

Then she saw him, he was walking towards her oblivious to her presence.

His head low,hands in pockets.

Only when he was two metres away from her he raised his head and faced her.

He stopped walking.

She had missed his blue eyes,she had missed how relaxed she felt when he was close to her,she had missed him.

"Hi."She said finally,her voice low.


He glanced at her for a second and then started walking again, she grabbed his elbow and stopped him.

"Draco,we need to talk."

He looked at her.

"I don't think it's necessary,just stay away from me."

"Why you're doing this?"

He gave her a cold look.

"Because if they hurt you,"He broke eye contact."I'll never forgive myself."

"I can't lose you."She paused."I love you."

He gazed back at her again.

She went closer to him now,their faces inches away,he closed his eyes  and she tried to lean and kiss him but he pushed her away before she could catch his mouth.

"I can't do this."He told her honestly, his voice weak.


"Do you remember?"He cut her."When I told you that I don't want to hurt you and you convinced me that I won't?"

She nodded.

"You were right,I'd do anything to protect you because your life is more important than mine."He took a breath."I'd stop my heartbeats for you and I wouldn't give a shit.I can't do this,I can't hurt you."

She slowly released his elbow,still staring at him and trying hard not to cry.

He glanced at her for just a second and then started walking away,he didn't turn back to look at her,he didn't stop,he just walked away like any other time,head low,hands in pockets.

And she stayed there,looking at him while he was fading away,and when he disappeared from her view and all she could see was the empty corridor she sat down on the floor.

She wasn't thinking,she couldn't think of anything,not even Draco.She was just sitting there,not moving,not breathing and she felt like she was dead.

Bit her heart reminded her that she was alive,with every heartbeat she knew she was still alive,not too sure if that was a good or a bad thing.

Because she didn't feel alive.

He hadn't seen her for a week,he was spending his days in the dormitory or at a small yard behind the castle.

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