Chapter 14 "The Letter"

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"I can't believe you actually convinced me to come here."Draco said,as he placed a peck on her neck.

"We stay at your dormitory all the time."

"I can't stand all this red."

She smiled and looked up at him.They were laying on her bed after some hours of studying.

She was resting her head on his chest while his arms were wrapped around her.

"Can I ask you something?"Hermione questioned as she studied his arm.


"You said that this was an old wound.How did you get it?"

"From your friend."




"Sixth year,in the bathroom."

"This is from the Sectusembra spell?"


She didn't say anything for a while,thinking carefully her next words.

"What had happened back then?"She asked in the calmest voice she could."That made you take the mark?"

He stayed still for a few moments,not talking,not breathing so she looked up at him and find the frightened boy she hadn't see in a while.

She thought of saying something but she decided against it,he clearly wasn't ready.So she stayed silent and so did he.

Just laying there,holding and feeling each other.

"Did you-"He said suddenly."Did you think that I was evil back then?"

"No."She replied after a swollen paused."I didn't."

"You had called me evil though."He smirked realising that the conversation had turned a little too serious.


"When you had punched me."

She smiled.She had indeed called him that very word.

"I didn't mean it."

"I know."

"I should go and see Ron and Harry,they're leaving later today."

"Okay,I'll see you later then."

"Ten  minutes more,I don't want you to leave."She murmured pressing herself a bit closer to his body.

He gave her a smirk again and tightened his arms around her.

He entered the Slytherin dormitory and headed to his room.

He opened the door and realised that all of the other Slytherins were already gone.

That was good,the room seemed a lot nicer without all of them.

He headed for his bed and was quite suprised when he saw a letter waiting for him.

He slowly took it in his hands and opened it.

He started reading it and immediately felt sick.

He flinched like he'd been stabbed as his eyes cut a very specific name in the letter.

A pureblood with a muggle-born.A Malfoy with a mudblood.

You should be ashamed of yourself.You think that you can do whatever you want now that your father is dead ,you're wrong.
You'll pay for it,and most importantly,she'll pay for it,your little friend,Granger.

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