Chapter 2 "First contact"

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End of November,the weather was getting colder,the trees were bare without any leaves and the scars from the battle had faded.

It was a normal noon,students were at the big dinning room,eating their lunch,laughing,screaming,enjoying themselves.

It has been a week since that awkward meeting with Draco Malfoy.Neville was keeping an eye on him all the time,he was actually turning into a stocker,but he was just trying to protect  the younger Gryffindors.

Hermione was more confused that ever,gazing Ron across her and trying to find a way to talk to him,to tell him what she feels.He had tried to talked to her about "them" a couple of times,but she always found an excuse to leave.She didn't know what to tell him and she couldn't break his heart,he was her best friend,the one that could talk to,but now it was like they were lost,they couldn't talk,laugh or cry together as they used to do and that was killing her.

"Silence please!" The headmistress made her entrance into the dinning room.

The students stopped talking and turned their heads to face her.

"Thank you.So as you all know we have the annual dance in the middle of December,right before students leave for Christmas holidays."

You could already hear giggles from all four tables,girls whispering at each other.

"The last two years were difficult for the school and for us so we skipped the dance,but this year I believe it's finally time to have some fun!So,Mr Slughorn and I decided to include in your school program a dance class.It will be 3 hours a week,for 3 weeks starting from today!"

The girls were screaming amd clapping their hands with excitement,even the boys were happy,happy that they would finally have a chance to attend something entertaining and leave the memories from the battle behind.

"Was that necessary?"

"Come on Hermione,you like proms"Harry said to her friend.

"No I don't!"She assured him.

"I think it's a great idea,we will have fun!"beamed Ron.

The truth is that she liked proms,and especially now she needed to get out of reality for a couple of hours.But what about Ron?He would like to go to the dance with her.She had to find a way to avoid it.

"Welcome everybody in our first dance lesson.So,pick you partner and get ready."

"Where is Hermione?She is never late!"Ron said to Harry and Ginny who were already holding hands, ready to dance.

"Relax,there she is."Answered Ginny pointed the door.


"Were have you been?"Asked Ron.

"Finishing an essay for tomorrow.So what are we doing?"


He was interupted by professor Mcgonagall.

"What is happening here?"The professor argued looking the Slitherins.

"I can't do this!" That must was Pansy Parkison's voice.Hermione and the others went closer to see.

"What's the problem miss Parkinson?"The professor asked gently.

"I..I can't dance with him,he has the dark mark stuck in his hand."She cringed,pointing at Malfoy.

He had rolled his sleeves up,so his Dark mark was obvious,maybe it had fade a bit  but still pretty visible.

Nobody talked for some seconds,but then they all turned their heads to face Hermione who was laughing like she had seen the funniest thing in the world.

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