Chapter 18 "Friends"

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He woke up in the hospital after five days.Hermione had been staying with him, day and night.

Blaise had found him that night, and saved his life.

The students hadn't been informed about the whole situation, only Draco's close "friends", including Pansy Parkinson, Theo Nott and of course Hermione.

She had been there holding his hand for five days, five days on a chair next to him.She had skipped all of her  lessons and exams, something that made the other Gryffindors quite suspicious.

Harry and Ron had been visiting her at least twice a day to see if she is okay and to bring her some food.

She hadn't left the hospital room since Blaise informed her about what had happened to her lover, her priority was him, and only him.

He was awake now and she was so grateful for that.

He was sitting up, she hadn't talked yet, she was just staring at him trying hard not to cry as she was gazing at her injured Slytherin.

His body and face were a total mess. A mix of red and purple, he had one broken arm and one broken leg. His eyes black, his lips were bleeding.

Even the strongest healing spells hadn't done much. It would take time for him to recover.

He slowly raised his head to meet her brown eyes and it was only then that he remembered, remembered what had happened.

Her face fell as her eyes caught his.

"Hey." He said, his voice was croaky and low but it was the most beautiful sound she had ever heard, she had been waiting for it.

She wasn't able to talk though, images were passing through her head as she continued watching him.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice weak.

She closed her eyes and nodded letting some hot tears run down her cheeks.

"Don't cry."He whispered and she opened her wet eyes to look at him."I'm fine."

"You were dead."She murmured."I came here five days ago and your heart had stopped." She paused."Seriously Draco you were not breathing, not moving you were just lying on this bed full of blood and the nurses weren't allowing me to see you-"

He caught her as she started panicking. He pulled her off the chair and made her sit next to him on the bed.

She was breathing hard and her eyes were full of fear and sadness.

"I'm alive now." He whispered and squeezed her hand a bit."And my heart is working again."

She dropped her forehead against his and closed her eyes.

She was shaking and she couldn't stop her tears.She was biting her down lip so hard that it was now bleeding.

"It's okay." He whispered, trying to relax her but she was far from relaxed.

"You told me that you would be safe if we weren't together."She left a worried breath."You told me that you wanted to protect me but you had no one to protect you."She paused again and swallowed."If Blaise hadn't found you, you would have been killed and I would have to live alone, without you.I would prefer to be attacked by a psycho rather than see you dead."

"I know."He whispered pulling his head back to look at her."I'm sorry."

She rushed to kiss him and she felt peace around her as her mouth caught his.

The kiss was really soft, almost a nothing as she was trying hard not to hurt him, but it was what they both needed.

He couldn't move his arms to pull her closer and it was killing him but he kept kissing her anyway.

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