Chapter 7 "Touch"

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"So will you go to the dance with Harry?"The brunette asked her friend.

"Um yes and you?Did you talk with my brother?"Ginny asked and turned her head to make sure that Ron and Harry weren't paying attention to them from the other side of the table.

"No I didn't."Hermione sighed.

"So will you go with him?"

"I was hoping that I could somehow avoid it but I don't have any other options so."

"I don't think it's a good idea."

"Why not?"

"Because Ron loves you,you can't play with his feelings like that."

"It's just a dance."

"Not to him.Yesterday he was standing in front of the mirror trying to find the perfect way to ask you to the prom."

"Really?"The girl laughed.

"It's not funny."

"I know I'm sorry."

"Why don't you give him a second chance?"

"Because I will just break his heart."

"But it's you and Ron."

"It's the safe choice Ginny,the convinient one.But sadly it's not the one that will make me happy."

"Hey what are you talking about?"The boys went closer to them.

"Ehh,I was just saying that I should go and see how Draco is doing."

"Why?"Ron asked irritated.

"Because if he still in pain he'll probably won't attend the dance class."

"That's better you'll dance with me."The boy said.

She didn't answer,she stood up from the table and went towards the Slytherin one.

He spotted him sitting between Blaise Zabini and an other fourth year student.


He raised his head to face her.


"How are you feeling?"

"Good,the wound is almost closed."

"Oh that's good."

He didn't say anything,just kept looking at her.It was really awkward.


"Malfoy talking to a mudblood,this is not something that you see everyday."Blaise interrupted her turning to face them.

"Mind your own business Zabini."The blond said calmly.

Hermione turned to Draco again.
"So,will you come to the dance class?"

"Oh that's right you dance with her!"The dark Slytherin said with irony.

Draco turned to him.He was laughing hard.

"Fuck off Zabini."

"Oh I'm sorry,did I offend your mudblood friend?"

"DON'T FUCKING CALL HER LIKE THAT!"He shouted at his old friend.

Most of the Slytherins turned to face him.

Hermione was looking at him,she wasn't sure what to say.Did he actually defend her?

He stood up from the table,glanced at her for a second and then started walking towards the exit.

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