Chapter 21 "Normal"

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Draco went to find Blaise that noon, and he did find him at the smallest yard of the castle, sitting on a bench, alone.

He was oblivious to Draco's presence, so he slowly walked towards him and sat beside him.

The dark Slytherin turned and faced him.

"Hey." He said.

Draco looked at him.


"Feeling better already?"

"I guess."

"Will you be able to play Quidditch?"



"I know."

There was a pause then, awkward silence between the two.All you could hear was the sound of the wind dancing around at the cold, spring yard.

"So.." Draco broke the silence. "What exactly did it happen that night?"

Blaise cleared his voice and looked at him for a second before started talking.

"Well, I tried to find Theo, we had a plan to stop Alex so-"

"What plan?" He interrupted him.

"As I said to you Theo knew about his brother's plan.The morning before your attack Theo found me and told me that you were in danger.He didn't say anything more, just this and believe me, I tried to learn more but it was impossible.In the end I agreed to help him even though I didn't know why you were in danger."

Draco waited for him to continue but he didn't say anything. "So what happened?"

He breathed.

"You remember when we were in the dinning room, and I was acting all strange-"

"Yeah I thought that you were the one sending the letters."

"Well that was the plan."

"What?Why?" Draco frowned.

"Because Theo knew that you would follow me afterwards, and you did.But you obviously lost me, something quite weird as I was walking terribly slow."

"I didn't leave the dinning room exactly after you, just some minutes later."

"Granger fucked our plans again."


"You were looking at her didn't you?That's why it took you so long."

Draco thought.He indeed was looking at her, trying to steal some courage from her eyes, he needed some courage so he could go after Blaise.

"It doesn't matter." He decided to say. "Continue."

Blaise nodded."Theo knew that Alex would attack you in the dorm, that's why he wanted me to lead you somewhere else.I guess when you lost me you tried the dorm first, believing I would be there.


"But you found Alex instead." He took an other breath. "We waited for a while and when you didn't show up we knew something was wrong.Theo was getting worried, I told him to wait there so I could search for you, he disagreed, said that I should wait so he could check our dorm.After some minutes I convinced him that it would be safer if I would go, because, oh well, you know Theo isn't the best with magic-"

"Wasn't." Draco corrected him and Blaise almost flinched at the coldness of his voice.

"Right." He said with a low, unsure voice."Theo wasn't the best with magic." He paused and glanced at Draco, he wasn't looking at him though."So we agreed that I would go.Luckily, when I arrived, it wasn't too late." Draco turned to face him then. "But when I entered the room, a green spark flicked out of his wand."

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