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Travis POV
I wake up with a start head pounding and hands shaking. My mother stands in my door way her frame barely taking up any room. "It's Friday get ready for school." I nod and push my blond hair out of my face I quickly get dressed and head down to leave. "Travis." I flinch as my dad barks my name. "Yeah dad?" I ask without turning around. "Stay away from those sinners at school, am I clear?" I nod and open the door and quickly leave. The black eye he gave me still hasn't healed.

I get to school and head to my locker. As I put my books away I hear a laugh and look up to see that boy Sally face hanging out with his friends. For a moment our eyes meet and I can feel my face heat up. I flip him off and slam my locker door, stalking away. As soon as I get around the corner I lean against the wall and grip my chest. 'Get a hold of yourself Travis you're not gay.' I think to myself

Slowly but surely my heart starts racing. The bell rings over head and I start to class. I sit in the back of the room and listen as the teacher rambles on and on about math. I can't get the image of sally out of my head. His blue hair and mask consume my every thought. I look down at the note book in front of me. Maybe if I write down my feelings I'll forget them. I pick up my pencil.

I know we don't really know each other and you probably have your opinions about me. I thought maybe if I told you how I feel, things could be different.
The truth is, I can't stop thinking about you. I'm crazy about you. I think you're amazing! But I know these feelings are wrong. It's not the way a boy should feel. Shame swallows me whole. My father would kill me but I can't live in his shadow forever I just....

I scribble out the rest. I don't know what I was thinking writing this. I rip it out of the book and shove it into my pocket. I'll throw it away later. The bell rings and I head to my next class. When I enter he's sitting there with his friend Larry I think it is. I sit as far away from him as possible but with only four columns of chairs it's rather hard if we both sit in the very back.

He's only one chair away from me. The class starts and the teacher starts lecturing in the most monotoned voice I ever heard. Out of the corner of my eye I see Sally lay his head down on his desk. I look over to see Larry has done the same but I don't care about him. I stare at the back of Sally's head. I can hear my heart in my ears. He shifts in his sleep startling me but now his face is aimed at me. I can see his eyes through the eye hole of his mask. He looks so peaceful.

'I wish he was sleeping on my chest.' I think. I shake my head. Where are all these thoughts coming from. I'm not gay I'm not. I'm not! IM NOT! But then I look at him and all my thoughts melt away. He could take me away from my house and I would be fine. But then thoughts of my father jolt into my mind reminding me of how dead I would be if I were gay.

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't even realize Sally had woken up and I was staring right at him. His eyes are curious as he stares right back at me . I scowl and look away staring down at the book in front of me. I can't get caught like that. I quickly get up as the bell rings and pack my bag. I feel a hand on my shoulder and startled I turn around. Sally face stands before me. I push his hand off my shoulder. "Ugh what do you want?" I spit acting disgusted. "I was just wondering why you were staring at me." He answers. His voice is soft and kind. I roll my eyes. "What fag never heard of lost in thought? I didn't mean to stare or whatever. You were just in the way of my view gay boy." He puts his hands up in a nonthreatening way. "Whatever you say man." He turns and walks away.

I mentally face palm myself. Why do I have to be a dick around him. The next two classes zoom by. At least today is bologna day. I sit down and eat my sandwich, alone. I glance at Sally's table where he's surrounded by friends. His group gets up and leaves spreading out over the lunch room and some even leaving. I finish eating and leave, heading for the bathroom. I pull the note I wrote for him out of my pocket. I read over it and crinkle it up. As I head into a stall I chuck it at the trash can. I close the door just as tears we'll up in my eyes. I lean against the door as they start rolling down my cheeks.

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