Freedom at last

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☢️violence warning☢️

I take a deep breath and knock on the door. My mom opens it and gasps as soon as she sees me. She pulls me into a strong hug. Her grip tightens around my ribs and she starts to cry. "Why are you here?" She asks. "It's time mama, I'm getting us out." I say pulling back from the hug and gripping her hands. I'm so much taller than her now. My head reaches about a foot above her own. She looks so small and frail. She smiles at me with hope in her face. An expression I haven't seen in years.

I enter my old home holding my mothers hand. My father is sitting in the living room watching another preacher on our television set. I march right up to him and hand him the papers. He takes them without looking up at me. "What are these honey." His voice in disinterested and he doesn't even bother to look at them. "They're divorce papers dad." I state coldly and for the first time in years he looks at me in the eyes. "Travis?" He mutters before looking down at the papers in his hands.

He stands up and drops them to the floor. "Your mother can't divorce me and you're not gonna let her." He yells at me before raising his fat meaty hands and wrapping them around my neck. He lifts me off the ground and I kick my legs violently. I hit him directly between the legs and he drops me as he himself falls to his knees. I gasp for air and turn to grab the bat that he keeps on the wall. Without thinking I swing it at his head. A solid crack fills the room then silence.

"I'm free." I hear my mother whisper. I look at her to see tears streaming down her face. I run to her and pull her into a hug. When I let her go I look at my dad. No blood is coming from his head but I definitely gave him a concussion. "Let's grab your stuff ma." I say leading her to her room. We enter and I realize how self centered my father truly is. Boxes fill my moms side of the room.

Quickly we take all of them out and put them into the moving truck I rented. We take some furniture and clear out my room too. Then we drive for a solid seven hours to my moms new home. When we arrive I can already tell it's perfect. We enter the house and explore the rooms before crashing in one of the rooms that was still furnished. As a surprise I had bought my mom a farm house like the one she lived on when she was little.

The next morning I helped her unload the truck and I took it into the nearest town to return it and rent a car. While I was there I bought her some chickens and a cow. They were delivered later that day. It felt like a dream. Sal came a few days later to introduce himself to my mom.

She accepted him with open arms. Never in my life had I felt more strong than I did right now. I got my mom out. I freed her from the prison my father had created. I have her a life that she could never gotten on her own. Every time she looked at me I could see happiness in her eyes.

"So where are you living right now Travis?" She asked. Her question was filled with hope that we could live together. "I'm actually about to move in to an apartment." I reach over and grab Sal's hand. "With Sal." Though she was a little disappointed my moms face lit up.

"That's wonderful sweetie. I'm glad that you're safe with someone who cares about you." Her face changed to sadness as she thought about the years wasted on my father. Even though I wasn't with her I knew she'd be safe now. Far away from his reach.

After a few weeks had past I left her with a promise to visit as much as I could. She stayed on her porch until our car was out of sight. I knew that I had given her everything she'd ever wanted. Now it was time for me to move forward and start a new life too.

Authors note
I'm sorry it's been so long since I've written. I often forget about where I'm going with a story then loose interest in what I'm doing. I hope you enjoyed this chapter a new one will come out soon.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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