Chapter 15 - Forsaken

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Chapter 15 - Forsaken

NK woke to see Lavanya sleeping soundlessly beside him.

What had he done?

He remembered the majority of the night quite well, despite the pounding in his head - the truth about Khushi and Arnav, how he told them both to get out of his face, and he drove away enraged. And then he remembered going to a local bar and drinking a lot, where he found Lavanya who was comforting him...

He had slept with another woman, despite being with Khushi. Suddenly the truth being out was nothing compared to what he had just done. And he could already sense the loneliness in his life when Khushi would leave him.


Arnav drove home helplessly with Khushi who had dozed off in the passenger seat. The whole night they had spent their time frantically looking for NK, but to no avail. He was nowhere to be found, and Khushi would not stop looking until she found him. He noticed the black blotches that had formed under her eyes due to the lack of sleep, anyone else would think that she had been beaten up, or something of the sort.

He checked the clock, and it was already 9 in the morning. They had spent the whole night, without a wink of sleep. They arrived at the last place that NK could possible be- home.

"Khushi" Arnav got close to her and shook her slightly. She jerked awake and looked around.

"NK? Where is he? Did you find him??" she asked.

"Khushi, relax. We're home, he's probably here. Do you think you can get out of the car?" he asked softly.

"Yes Arnav. I just hope he's here" she mumbled.

They exited the car, and Khushi held on to Arnav's arm for support. As they walked through the doors, no one was in sight. Khushi assumed that everyone had left for the temple early in the morning. They went upstairs inaudibly and stood in front of NK's door.

Arnav glanced at Khushi who nodded encouragingly, and knocked on the door. They heard nothing, so he knocked again. Still no response.

"Arnav, let's just go in. Maybe he's sleeping. I just need to see with my own two eyes that he's okay, after that I'll be fine"

She turned the knob and what she saw, shocked her to no boundary.

NK was standing by the window gazing outside. He turned when he saw them coming in, but then turned back to the window.

Khushi practically ran over to him and turned him to face her, breathing a sigh of relief. "NK? Oh my goodness, you're alright" she hugged him, but he stood there resembling a lifeless body. "We looked for you all night!" she exclaimed.

He finally gazed into her eyes, and she saw how swollen and red they had become. Fresh tears were rolling down his face. "NK? Please, please don't cry. I'm so sorry. Yell at me, scream at me. Punish me, but don't cry...I can't bear it" she pleaded.

He finally broke down and hugged her. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said all those nasty things last night; I don't know what I was thinking. I'm so sorry for everything" he mumbled.

"Why are you apologizing? You have nothing to apologize for! It's me who should be apologizing. I'm so stupid for keeping such a big secret from you. But...I just felt helpless. I was confused" she said.

"Khushi, I understand why you did it. I can forgive you,'ll never forgive me"

"What the hell are you talking about NK? I'm the one who ruined everything, and you're talking as if you've committed some sort of crime" she said.

"I have..." he whispered.

"NK, what's going on?" Arnav finally stepped in.

All heads turned towards the bathroom door, which was opened by none other than Lavanya.

Khushi felt the blood drain from her face, and dropped her arms from NK's face.

"La...Lavanya? What are you doing NK's room?" she asked.

"I can explain everything. Just hear me out" NK tried to reach out to her, but she flinched from his touch. "NK, tell me what's she's doing here" she asked seriously.

"I'm...I'm so sorry" he said, looking away ashamed.

"Did you both...last night...?" she asked, her vision started to become blurry.

" was a mistake" Lavanya said.

"I really don't want to talk to you right now. I want to hear it from NK's mouth. It can't be true; he would never do that to me! No matter what" she said.

"Khush, I don't know how it happened. I just felt so betrayed last night and I thought you were using me Khushi. I know, it was so stupid of me but I thought you were just trying to get to Arnav. And then I was at the bar and..." he trailed off.

"And you got drunk and slept with her?" Arnav asked.

"Arnav, you have no right to question me, stay out of this" NK warned.

"Why the hell not? At least I didn't cheat on her! She hasn't slept all night because she was worried sick about you! We understand that you were upset, but you could have at least given us a chance to explain. You could have at least heard her out while she was begging for you not to go!" Arnav exclaimed. "And you Lavanya? I thought you were my friend! How could you do this?" he questioned. Instead, she looked down, not being able to meet his eyes.

"Oh, and what you did was so much better?" NK shot back.

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