Chapter 23 - Assurance

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Chapter 23 - Assurance

Khushi had reluctantly gotten up this morning, she didn't want to leave and ruin the peaceful moment. And it seemed that Arnav shared her desire. But alas, they had things to do in life, other than stare at one another and revel in the warmth that was brought from their closeness.

She watched the reactions of every member of the family as she got down for breakfast. All she saw was pity. And she despised it. If there was one thing that Khushi Kumari Gupta hated, it was the look of sympathy. She had gotten it her whole life, and seeing it brought back disturbing memories of her childhood, something which she did not wish recalling.

"Good morning Bitiya." Devyani said softly, and all other faces stared up at her as well.

And there it was again, even in her tone. She felt bad for her. They all felt sorry for her. And she hated it. How much longer would she have to pay heed to the commiseration? Whether it was friends, or family, it always had that constant impact on her.

Voices. Memories. Family. Friends. They all flashed back to her in a spur of the moment making her feel sick.

Oh Khushi. But...why would Arnav like you? I'm sure he only likes popular girls.

Don't worry Khushi, you'll find someone better than Arnav!

I'm so sorry to hear about the death of your parents. Are you okay?

You have depression? That's horrible!

You're an orphan? Both of your parents died?

She took a deep breath, fighting the urge to suddenly scream. "I'm fine. How are you?" She asked plastering a smile on her face.

"I'm well. I hope you slept alright?"

Her eyes moved to Arnav's, who looked up from buttering his toast and held the same intensity in his eyes that had always caused butterflies in her stomach.

"Yes, I did." She said sincerely. "Where's NK?"

"He's...upstairs. He wanted to have breakfast in his room." Anjali said grimly.

"Oh. Well if you guys don't mind, may I go have breakfast with him?" She asked.

Everyone turned to look at the other. "I think that's a good idea Khushi." Shyam smiled at her.

She picked up her plate and caught a glimpse of Arnav before she made her way upstairs.

She entered his room, where he sat morosely, and upon seeing her face, his eyes instantly lit up. They had breakfast, where she talked mostly, and he listened. She even got him to laugh a couple of times.

"Thank you." He said as they finished their meal.

"NK, I know this is hard for you. It's not fair that you're being forced into this marriage. I understand your point of view. Which is why, I'm here to support you. Because no one else will understand the injustice you may feel. But I do."

And that was how the weeks passed.

She would have breakfast with NK every passing morning and watched as his health slightly improved. Now it was her turn to help him. She then got ready for work and Arnav would drop her off on his way. They talked in the car, sometimes listened to songs that belonged to their childhood. It was the part of the day she had grown to like the most.

She didn't know what it was between them... whether it was merely friendship or something that was blossoming. Whatever it was, she was grateful that they were together at the least.

Running From The Truth (by Emma)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora