chapter 25

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Still during that day ,I became bored I needed to move I was tired being in that same room , I looked at the clock ,it was still 1pm ,oh no!! today was going to be very boring,I can't seat here all day, I needed to walk ,so calmly and steadily I moved one leg then the other and in less than 29 seconds I was on my feet ready to move ,i walked to the bathroom and freshened up then I walked to the dressing room and put in some clothes ,to be sincere I looked so pale ,darn it!,I put some of make up on , the make up kits just lay there lazily, I guess who ever owned it didn't need it .seeing my self in the mirror now made me smile .and as I was about to go out and heard a knock on the door ,I rushed to open it ,it was still Mr Cole.

"Marlie ,why are up ,you're still sick"

And I as I was about to reply him when my legs ached  and I became dizzy,I almost fell to ground If not for his arms catching me ,I felt dizzy again and fell unconscious.

Waking up drowsy on the bed annoyed me a lot,as I open my eyes I saw a pair of hands ,one holding a small sized hospital touch light and the other stretching my eyelids up .it was doctor Philip and my eyes widened , a nurse was by side holding a tray filled with hospital instruments and behind the doctor was Mr Cole .darn it!!did i collapse again.

"Miss Marlie you are awake". Mr Philip said." Why did you get up from bed ,you aren't strong enough to do that yet ".

" am sorry Mr Philip but I was tired of lying down I didn't know i was this weak"I said with a aching voice.

"Well we're done with the checkup and you are fine now but for now no movement okay". I nodded back.

I watched him and his beautiful nurse as they walked out of the room Mr Philip made a fast glance at Mr Cole and then at me before he finally left. I couldn't quite look Mr Cole in the eye all I wanted to do was to move a little who would know that my body would be so weak .I looked at him as he look end back at me he was about leave when I called out to him.

" Mr Cole ,am sorry please forgive me".he nodded and left, while i went back to sleep.

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