chapter 42

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After the weird moment I went to bed and pretended like nothing had happened.

As I woke up the next morning expecting to see a tray of food on my bed and a pair of deep blue eyes,but no all I saw was an empty room with nothing but me,myself and I .
I ran downstairs after dressing up,and went forward to look for Matilda at least she would talk to me .

"Matilda, Matilda where are you". I asked.

" yes Marlie ".she said as she approach me and smiled,Matilda was a very beautiful teenager I had grown fond of her over the weeks and we shared intimate conversation ,she want exactly tall but could pass off as average height .I went into the kitchen and found her washing plates I quickly joined her and after few minutes ,we had finished washing . plates .

"So Marlie ,what did you think about Pamela". She asked as she winked at me ,sincerely speaking hearing Pamela's name made me angry inside.

"I don't know I guess she was very pretty". I added.

" very beautiful you mean".she added as she smiled at me.

"Yes I guess so". I replied,by this time we had already started making breakfast .

" Marlie tell me the truth,what do you think about Mr Cole ".she added.

" uhn, well he's a nice man and am fund of him,he's very sweet and honest and you know he's handsome and stuff ".I replied.

"Then if you guys are so close why were you jealous".she replied.

"Am not jealous ,I mean em.......why would I be jealous,we are just friends". I said as I rolled my eyes .

"Marlie common tell me ,I saw the way you were so infuriated by his attitude towards Pamela". She said as she turned towards me .as a matter of fact she was right ,I was jealous,but I didn't know why I was jealous.

"Okay fine then Matilda I agree I was jealous but I don't understand why". I added.

" maybe because of a four letter word".she said.

"What four letter word". I replied ignorantly.

"Love, Marlie ,love". She said,I was shocked .

love .

"Does that mean I-------love--------Mr ". I said confused and Matilda nodded, I blushed inside but no I can't be in love I mean the first time I crush on someone was during high school for some guy named Sly but after that there was no one else,could Matilda be right ,oh no what if he doesn't feel the same way, I felt anxious as we finished making breakfast .

After noon my legs quaked, normally I used to be very excited to see Mr Cole but now I was just scared,a car horn was playing from the yard,he was back, oh no!!!!.

I didn't race down the stairs this time, instead I stayed indoors and waited for him to go upstairs so I would sneak down and take dinner,after some minutes I ran downstairs carefully ,but I saw the shock of my life ,it was Pamela again and this time she was wearing something skimpy, gosh this is so annoying what she doing here,I stood there like a statue as I watched them eat in peace ,I guess I couldn't take it anymore as I walked back upstairs.

"Marlie". A female voice called .I turned around to see her eyes staring at me .

" yes".I added.

"Would you be as kind as to take my Cole's suitcase upstairs". She said .I opened my eyes at her .

"Em sure why ............why not". I stuttered as I walked towards her and took his suitcase .then I turned around again and gave her a hard gaze."Anything else miss Pamela ".I asked.

"No that would be all Marlie". She returned to her dinner ,while Mr Cole looked at her lustfully .

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