chapter 32

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Although the day was boring I had to wait for Mr Cole till he came back ,but he usually comes back very late I had to wait up on him for hours and hours until ,I slept of .

After I had woken up from my five hours slumber I ran towards  Mr Cole's room ,but he wasn't there at all .this got me worried ,I mean I knew he came late but not this late,calm down Marlie his fine he's just stuck at work or ........or maybe in traffic .but as much as I told myself one excuse or the other ,I still became scared ,this made laugh at my self, I didn't know why I had become so protective over Mr Cole.
There was a car hunk downstairs I was so excited I ran downstairs to welcome him but I was welcomed by the driver's face .

"Where's Mr Cole". I asked.

" well ma'am he's not coming home tonight but he said I should inform you and give you this ".he said.
I looked at his hands which was stretched towards me ,it was a phone,wrap in a small pack.

" a phone? ".I asked.

" yes, a phone ,he told me that he wanted the both of you to keep in touch".I smiled as I grabbed the package and thanked him then I went straight to my room .as soon as I was in my room I removed the package and I found a beautiful silver back phone with a smooth screen ,it was new and beautiful, I quickly put on the phone and screwed through the apps ,I nodded at the phone's quality,Mr Cole sure has an eye for phones ,plus it looked pretty expensive ,anyway as I continue to scroll down each apps I got a call,this was strange I mean  who would call me from such a new phone ,I don't remember giving anyone my number,and as I pondered I remembered what the driver had said me,he told me he wanted the both of you to keep in touch,am sure he's the one calling and I speedily answered the call .

"Hello,hello Mr Cole,Mr Cole where are you ,you left me alone here without any body to talk to ,Mr Cole  please tell me where you are at so I can come and find you ,I have a lot I have to tell you like a thank you for the phone you bought for me I am extremely grateful Mr Cole,Mr Cole can you hear me at all". I said .I didn't hear anything but a chuckle from the other side." Really Mr Cole are you laughing at me ugh!??".

"No Marlie how are you". He said.

" am fine Mr Cole and you".

"Am fine as well".he added.

" well Mr Cole its good to hear your voice,but I guess you're tired and you want to sleep,so goodnight".

"So soon, Marlie?". He said.

" well then sir ,let's talk about something interesting, like why you're not here with me,Mr Cole".I said sarcastically.

"Well am here for a board meeting ,have checked into an hotel and by 3 am the board meeting starts". He said

"3am sir ,oh my sir that's so early ,now guess what .I'll call you by 2:30 so you would wake up early okay".I said.

" okay,by then Marlie ".he said

" I pray your board meeting goes well ,goodnight".as I ended the call.

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