chapter 31

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After our little confession he stood up to leave and then I remembered why I had been for him previously,"Mr Cole".


" I wanted to talk to you ,you know the reason why I was looking for you was because I wanted to discuss my stay here ,I know that you are a nice man, but I don't want to give you any reason to stress over me,so as soon as I am done recovering, I would go back home ".he smiled at my suggestion and spoke softly.

" This is your home ".those words gave me so much peace and I laid back on the bed and smiled at him as he left.

I woke up the next morning ,very early I had planned to make food for him and nothing would make me forget,I raced down the stairs carefully so I wouldn't miss my step,and went straight to the kitchen,the chef and other helpers where gathered there and i knew I had to get them off my back some how.

" Good morning everyone........em the boss says he wants me to prepare his food today ".and to my at most surprise they didn't object to my request they only smiled and gave way for me to do my cooking ." so what's the bosses best meal ".I asked shyly .a certain maid whispered to me ,spaghetti Boulogne's and coffee". what a weird combination.

I made my way around and before you know it I was done cooking I served the food and lay it on a tray then I arranged the cutleries,Gosh I could be a great waitress, as i walked up the stairs making sure that I didn't stumbled and spill the food as I walked upstairs I went straight his room and he was what!!!tying a towel around his waist and his hair was dripping wet to be sincere I couldn't help but watch him ,its quite shocking that this man didn't have a girlfriend ,she would have been darn lucky...........I quickly left the room and knocked since he hadn't seen me .

" yes ".

"It's me Marlie".

" oh well come in,then".i was shocked, what did he mean by come he was half naked for Christ's sake anyway I summoned courage and walked in thankfully he was already on his pence and was buttoning his shirt.
As soon as I presented the dish,he smiled widely that his dimples became clearer ,I have never seen him so happy before.

"Spaghetti Boulogne's!!!!" He said excitedly.

"Yes, Mr Cole ,your favorite right".

" yes, but how did you know".he asked.

"Well let's just say a little birdie told me so" I winked.

"Really ,well that birdie was definitely very correct". He added .And I dropped the food on his bed .

" well ,enjoy ".I said as I walked out of the room but he held my hand and whispered to me " thank you".as he let me go I replied him immediately.

"You're welcome". As I walked out finally .

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