chapter 46

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"Am making dinner,Marlie and I want you to get ready soon,I'll bring you the dress I ordered from the mall". He said.

"But Mr Cole you can see my current state how do you expect me to wear a dress and march downstairs".I asked in a cold tone.

"Marlie don't you worry ,Matilda would help you with everything".he added.

"Okay, see you soon I guess". I returned.

"Yes Marlie ,see you soon". He replied before heading out for some coffee.
Just after our discussion ,Matilda came in looking even more excited than before,she was with a red short gown that would definitely show some skin,being someone that almost despised skimpy dresses this was something I would frown at .

"Marlie,you are so lucky, Mr Cole bought you this and these". She said as she stretched the dress towards me and then the bags of clothes,but all she got from me was a frown.

"What's wrong Marlie don't you like it". She said.

"Matilda you know how much I hate short stuffs, they make me uncomfortable". I added with a frown."how could Mr Cole buy----------

"Mr Cole did buy it Marlie but I chose it for you ,he didn't know it was short he just trusted that I would know your taste". Her reply made me frown even more.

"How could you ,Matilda ,you know how much I hate short------

She interrupted again,"oh come on,Marlie its just for today ,don't start your tantrums, just today and after that you can rip the clothes apart if you want".

"Fine then ,I'll wear it". I could see the sparkle in her eyes when I agreed. "But only for today". I added as she nod.

Wearing such a short dresses  would be something I wouldn't adjust to,I had very beautiful legs but I wasn't going to showcase it for the world to see .whether Mr Cole likes it or not,I couldn't care less .
Time did run faster than I expected and Matilda was more than ready to help me out,she took out some newly bought makeup kit and started her magic,and soon I was done but she didn't allow me look at myself in the mirror ,then she helped me put my clothes on and then my shoes,I didn't get why I had to wear shoes if we were going to have dinner at home but I didn't comment I just sat there as Matilda styled me up.

"Done". She said with so much anticipation as she turned my chair around ,facing the mirror.

I couldn't stop looking at myself ,it was an astonishing transformation, although I had always been called beautiful,but this person looking at the mirror, was more than beautiful ,she was flawless.

"Wow Marlie,you look breathtaking". She said as I blushed.

"Thanks Matilda".I said to her.

"No problem ,Matilda's always here to help". She joked as she winked at me.
She held my hands as I hopped down the stairs ,my legs were still hurting but being in those shoes(although they weren't heels)made it even worse .but it was just for today oh loosen up Marlie.
As I walked or should I say hopped down the stairs, Mr Cole raised his gaze towards me and immediately got off his chair, he blue eyes ran from my head to my toes and back to my face,he couldn't stop looking, it made me even more uncomfortable seeing him look at me .but I continued to hop along side Matilda who was holding my hands and leading me down .then he came straight to me and took over from Matilda as he led me to my seat .
I sat down with so much relief, walking down those stairs was so stressful and painful .

"Marlie". He called ,breaking into my thoughts as I raised my head towards him .he held me close,almost squeezing my palms." You look breathtaking".his complements always made me blush .

"Thanks Mr Cole,your choice did justice". I replied.

"No Marlie you would look beautiful even if you had rags on".he replied .after dinner ,I was about to pack up the dishes when he stopped me and pulled me closer to himself .
I stumbled backwards ,and held his shirt for support ,when it happened .

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