chapter 43

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Carrying the suitcase upstairs I wanted to get swallowed by the earth,why did I have to fall in love with someone who definitely doesn't care about me,God!!!out of distraction I missed a step and fell tumbling backwards,my Fall was loud as the duo came to see my body lying on the ground with bruises all over and blood flowing from my nostrils .I tried getting up when I saw Mr Cole rush up to me.

"Marlie, Jesus are you okay". He asked as he held my hands, I quickly flanged my hands and look at him angrily ." am fine Mr Cole leave me alone ". I said as I tried to get up again,he was definitely hurt by my words while miss Pamela watched in awe, but I couldn't lie to my self ,I was definitely on the verge of death .everything flashed before my eyes,but I wouldn't relent,I can't die now ,I still had my dad to avenge for,plus I wasn't going to die in front of these two a**h*les .I still had a long life ahead of me, for Christ's sake,I stood up this time with all my strength ,it was a battle of life against death,I could hear the serene of an ambulance from afar ,then I could sense voices calling out my name but I couldn't see,my eyes were shut tight, gosh was I going to die .

An advanced man walked towards me ,it was the police officer of that night ,the man who killed my father, he was holding a knife and walking towards me ,I tried to run ,but something was holding me down ,it was chains, hard metallic chains with a padlock,the key was far away from me and I couldn't reach it and as soon as he came a little further ,a man grabbed his shirt and made him shift his attention towards the man,that man was my Father .

"Dad". And he looked at me but before he could save himself the police man stabbed him and ran away,I reached for the keys, quickly opened the locks,I ran towards my father as he lay lifeless on the floor,it reminded me of what had happened before,I looked into his watery eyes and drew my ears towards his lips .

"Avenge my death Marlie, please". He begged.

"But dad------- .and he was gone(disappeared) into thin air .as soon as he disappeared,I woke up In shock.

I was in a well confined room with a fan and two chairs ,I tried to sit up but there was something hurting me on my arm,it was a peg, an hospital peg that had been hung on my finger and there was a drip beside me. oh no,was I at the hospital,how did I get here,what's all this and me getting sick anyway .

After contemplating,my eyes shifted to the man who had entered the hospital room,it was a tall ,bald man as soon as he saw me he smiled broadly .

" Miss Marlie Tristan Jr".he called my full name.

"Yes doctor, do you know me,doctor". I replied.

"No ma'am but Mr Cole has told me a lot about you". He said.

Hearing Mr Cole's name made me angry,I didn't want to remember him and his 'Pamela' .

" am so happy you are back,well, I best be off ,miss Marlie you'll be discharged today we'll send you a temporary nurse".he added.

"Sir ,may I know your name please". I asked.

"Jones,Mr Jones,am Mr Coles friend". He added.

"Okay,nice to meet you Mr Jones ". I said .

"Nice to meet you as well,I'll leave you now". He said as he turned to leave.

Magnificient.     Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon