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As I ran upstairs I noticed some clothes were laid out on my bed in my room, but how did this happen I had been in my room the whole time so how did I not see this before ,anyway I took out the clothes and placed in on my body ,like i was fitting it on,out of excitement I ran towards the bathroom and got Changed it was a red shirt dress,that's when it struck me,how could I forget today's Valentines day ,after the dress up,I applied mild makeup and ran downstairs, to my outmost surprise,as Mr Cole saw me approaching him I could see the nervousness in his eyes,he stood up and welcomed me to my sit, never have I blushed so much in my life .After we started dinner ,I had bring my matters up ."Mr Cole ,I have something to tell you".I said .

"Yes ,Marlie". He replied.

" well Mr Cole I wanted to inform you of my current idleness, when you're not around I feel really bored so I was thinking------

"Of looking for a job". He interrupted and I nodded at him." Well that's OK Marlie ,but we would sort that out tomorrow okay".and I nodded again.

"Well Mr Co---------

" Cole Marlie call me Cole, calling me Mr Cole makes me feel too old".he added.

"But you're old". I teased and he gave me a stern look, he was right though he was still a very young man" but courtesy expects----------

"Courtesy expects nothing from you Marlie just call me Cole, try it". He continued.

"OK well C.....C.......Cole". I stuttered, it would hard getting used to this.

"Better".and he chuckled.

After dinner, I went upstairs to change during my changing time I had problem getting the zip down,luckily Mr Cole was just about to check up on me as he opened my door and so me frowning in frustration ,suddenly a pair of hands held my dress, one on the top of my shoulder while the other was about to zip down my dress,I hesitated.

" Marlie ,let me help you".he said as I nodded at him .he drew down the zip of my dress and then left, that was strange of him ,what a weird man,after I finished changing I got into my pyjamas and rested peacefully on the bed,I could hear my dad talking me to avenge his death,but how would I pull that off???how would I avenge him.

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