Chapter I : Purgatory

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Awaken in a blinding pitch-black surroundings makes him nervous, knowing that only on fictional books or movies that the situation can be experienced, he's not that blinded because in the middle of darkness he can take a glimpse on his hand even if its darkened, it was an infinite room of nothingness that makes him wonder on where he is.

" Is this the gates of hell? " - trembling to question himself.

In the middle of nowhere a voice suddenly heard inside his head, that voice seemed to be from numerous people that speak from the deepest depths of the ocean,

It was demonic, too terrifying that you may want to just disappear rather than to feel its eternal suffering.

" So you're the one that the heavens' god talk about. "

No doubt, this is the underworld that everyone's afraid of, he was horrified and cried on what future will that place bring to him.

" Hahaha! Human don't think too much on what will happen next. " - laughing like he was teasing on a young boy.

A large gate appeared in front of him out of nowhere, it was all glowing in red like an LED tubes from SCI-FI movies, decorated from human bones and other bones that he can't distinguish.

" Don't be afraid human, I just want to talk about what happened to your soul next. "

Hearing his terrifying voice makes his whole body numb in fear, he forced himself to take a couple of walks and grabbed on the gate, he was just holding the knob and suddenly teleported in a place, it was like a library full of books inside the shelves but the ambiance of the place still lingers in coldness, his vision inside is little blurred like he was lucid dreaming at that time, his fear gradually fading as he walks towards a man who was reading on a table.

He was wearing a lavish looking robe that has an unknown symbols in it, white-haired, pale skin and his eyes are bloody in color.

He was an eight-tier winged demon described in a demonology book he read somewhere when he was at high school, the top and bottom part is smaller than four at the center wings, smaller parts are estimated 1 meter long while the longer parts are almost 2 meters.

" So you manage to move on your own human. " Demon said.

" Can I ask? Why am I here? I know that in my past life I didn't kill anyone. " He replied to the demon.

The demon looked at him and stop on what he was reading, he snapped his fingers and a wooden chair appears.

" Take a seat human. "

And when he was seated the demon cast another spell and a large mirror appeared in front of them.

" This is the last moments of your life human, in this part, you shouted that you will never trust anyone in your next life, this act is also a words of resentment on his teachings. "

And a moment played like it was recorded by a CCTV and he clearly remembers anything that happened that time, he suddenly got the feeling of rage and about to burst when the demon speaks.

" Hahaha! Human doing that is like putting yourself to hell! "

He suddenly falters on his actions and gets on his knees to apologize

" I-i'm sorry! please forgive my rudeness I'm begging you! "

" As long as you know your place human. "

The demon explains everything and mentioned their current place as lobby of purgatory, where souls of sinners who fought for their justice or from helping their fellow people cleanse, he opened another door and saw a hundred layered transparent cylindrical containers and ahead is an infinite hallway that has no end, you can actually see the souls of the dead people inside those cylinders, and those souls have sins that can't be cleansed such as mass murdering and taking someone's possessions, they are taken to the deepest part that all the humans called hell.

in that place souls are being seized to exist, they are often asked or to tell stories about their past life that if anyone dares to lie will be forced to take sessions in 12 torturing chambers.

" And the human infestation is my favorite in those chambers, small insects that eat their flesh little by little and their screams soothes in my soul; and after that, you will see art, a true masterpiece if you ask me. "

terrifying as he described how the human soul tortured and re-birthed at the same place to take another questioning and a set of tortures.

" but in your case, you didn't question the gods when you were struggling to live in your life. You are qualified to heaven but at the last minute you resented your fellow humans the feeling towards them is like doing it to your own creator. "

He can't think about good reasoning and there's no reason for him to talk, the words that he can only say is

" I'm prepared on anything equivalent to my sins, and I didn't regret my actions in that last minute of my life. "

"I see human."

The demon replied while turning the page of a book,

" I'm glad that you found your resolve. "

and a white door appears in front of him, he didn't question what lies ahead and prepared himself to enter.

Chapter End

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