Chapter II : New World

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The warmth of the sun rays gently touching his face makes his senses woke up from its long slumber, but he let his tardiness embraced his consciousness and continues to sleep, a moment later; smooth and soft hands gently slapped at his face trying to wake him up.

   " Markus! Markus! "

Voice of a woman calling a name tries to wake him as she continuously slaps at his face.

   " Markus! Get up! Mom will get mad at us if we didn't get home before lunch! "

   " Markus? "

Confused questioning himself on who is that person she calls, He slowly rises from being laid down on the grass while rubbing his eyes.

   " Who are you? And where am I? "

   " Y-you talk!? "

Astounded reaction from that girl makes him curious to ask more about what happened,

   " Am I still in hell? "

   " What? Hell? " Confused respond from her as she is still standing in front of him.

His vision starts to clear as he started to focus on looking at that girl he talked to.

she was beautiful in her blue tunic embroidered in unknown symbols, it was layered in a two leaf-like with no flower symbols [ æ ], accessorized in a gold pentagram necklace, her mini skirt that reveals her white-silklike legs that makes all man drool over their fetishes, he was in the middle of imagining of her wearing a high socks that he thought it will godly enhance its thickness.

Her hair is short that hair tip touches only her neck, fair and smooth skin that glows as you stare, her eyes are also glittering like crystals as the sun rays hits her face, her lips is the most seducing of all that makes him crave to touch it.

   " Hey! Markus! Did you just start to talk? Are you OK!? "

She dashes her face towards to his forehead to check his temperature, too close that makes his face a bit blush, suddenly flustered on how sweet the moment is, but he realizes his past and started to look away as he speaks.

   " Where am I? And who are you? "

   " I -i'm your older sister Ravina. What's wrong with you!? "

Saddened reply from her after introducing herself, he was still confused about what's happening, but he let himself to go with the flow and followed her proclaimed older sister.

After a long walk, he almost sees a large gate surrounded by walls, guarded by men that fully armored holding a long spear, they join the line of people and carriage entering the city gate.

   " Woah! What a city! What year are we in? " markus said.

   " It's Augustus 9th, Zafir III CK 20023. " ravina replies.

   " Huh!? " Confused reaction from markus.

The concept of the date was too far from what he knew, " Augustus " based on his common sense is August, He can't think of anything about " Zafir III CK " but he was sure that 20023 is the current year.

It was the first time in his life to see things that only fantasy novels can be read or on movies to see. The carriage that being pulled by buffalo that has four horns, mage looking men walking along them holding a staff that has gems on it.

   " Wizards!? Is this world uses magics!? " markus surprised reaction.

   " Wizards? If your talking about them they are Magul and they are using destructive words called arts. "

   " Woah!? For real!? I'm getting goosebumps about this! "

Amazed reaction from him as her older sister still confused about what he was saying.

   " We're already there Markus so stay close to me. " Ravina said as she looking back to check on him.

   " Ok. By the way how long since i didn't talk? " a curious question from Markus as they continue walking.

   " Since your birth. " Ravina answers.

A puzzled look on his face as he slowly looks at his older sister.

Her sister starts to talk about his past.

   " You didn't even aware of yourself in this past fourteen years, you only walk if guided or eaten if served by spoon. "

   " So that was my life in those years. " Markus replied.

   " I bet you can't remember anything. " Ravina said.

He only nodded as a response to her, a moment later they arrived on their destination, the large gate in front of him makes him wonder of how rich that family is, fire lion like designs engraved at the walls that about 8 feet tall amazes him as he take several glances on that wall features.

Inside is a large mansion painted in combination of white and red at first you may imagine the place as a faction, not a home, but her sister explained everything about the histories behind those decorations as they walk close to the door.

They saw a mid-aged woman at the age of '60s but her body stills young that you can't even see if she aged, She's beautiful at her long braided hair tied in a red ribbon, matured face enhances her motherly aura that makes him wanted to be spoiled to that woman every time he sees her.

  " Oh! Ravina, Markus, why you two took so long to get home, the food is about to get cold. "

As their mother reminds them about their lunch, she started to walk to the laundry area holding some clothes.

Ravina rushes towards her mother and speaks

  " Mom! M-Markus started to talk! "

   " Again? Ravina looks how adorable you are as you hope Markus will gain his consciousness, But I do hope that someday he speaks. "

teasing respond from their mother as she makes her way to the laundry area

  " Wait for mom! I'm real- "

   " Yes. I already gained my consciousness. " as Markus interrupts Ravina from explanation.

Their mother stopped and dropped all the clothes she was holding by shock, she suddenly looked back at Markus and rushes to hugged him, her eyes were teary as she is thankful for what just happen.

                          Chapter End

Fantasy Series Within : PunishmentΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα