Chapter VI : Deficiency

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He was sitting inside their family library holding a thick book covered in dust, then he tried to shake the dirt off and make a strong blow * Swwhhhuuu! * to blow off the remaining dust.

He turned the book cover and looked at the table of contents.

Medical history and Arts.

* Medical Herbs. P 5 - 11
* Types of Herbs. P 12 - 16
* Arts and Herbs. P 17 - 21

Restrictions and Arts. P 22 - 24


* What is Mana. P 25 - 28
* Affinities and Mana. P 29 - 34
* Mana Deficiency. P 35
* Mana Deceases. P 36 - 37


He turns pages to the mana deficiency section and started to read.

Mana deficiency: a rare condition where the victim struggles to collect mana on his environment and started to get into unconsciousness stage, later on, died due to lack of mana that processing through his body.

The symptoms, later on, appear in one week after an affinity check due to the unknown phenomenon. those people who found no affinity will be considered as a defectant and will be isolated before the unconsciousness stage appear.

Markus started to turn to another page and continues reading.

A person with this deficiency will be paralyzed and unconscious after a week, they still have their body clock to know when they wake but they are no longer in control of their own body.

the second stage of this is cachexia: general physical wasting and malnutrition usually associated with chronic disease.

And the last stage of this is caseation: necrosis with the conversion of damaged tissue into a soft cheesy substance and death due to lack of mana.

His face turned bit red after reading those article and the feeling of fear rushes through his face.

He turned the pages to recoveries section but he can't find a remedy for a mana disease.

" This doesn't make sense, I violated their world's law. "

" So you already learned something about yourself "

He looks at the entrance of the library and saw his father approaching him and swiftly cast a barrier outside the library.

" Now is the time to say the truth about you, and I know from the start that your not the son that I know a long time ago. "

♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦

It was a long and cold night when I patiently waiting for your arrival in this world, after they announce the successful operation, I rushed through your mother's room and I saw both of you.

I see you as a fragile and small baby, your hands can only hold one of my fingers but it has a firm; strength befitting to be my successor.

It was the happiest night of my life that the goddesses grant my wish to have a healthy son.

I didn't wait for a day and called for the affinity checker, and it was the time that I regretted my actions, I rushed things and didn't even consider any possibilities of mana deficiency.

After they announced that you didn't have an affinity, fear spreads through my body knowing that this deficiency gives the worst death that life can give.

The royal palace offered a place for isolation and wished to study this rare deficiency but I declined.

It was painful for me to see your body got experimented, so I decided to keep you home and accepted your faith at the very end.

And after a week your mother noticed that you stopped to giggle like you used to, you just stopped from moving, it's like you turned into a doll.

After noticing all the symptoms entering the stage of unconsciousness, your mother never stops to cry every night while holding you, hoping that one day she can see you giggled again, I know she never stops praying to the goddesses.

We're so happy that your body survived at that terrifying condition, I just accepted that you only have a month remaining but years have passed until your age now, I'm so glad Markus that you're strong.

Markus just looked at him straight and speaks

" you did give you all father, I mean it's an unknown phenomenon and things unexpectedly happen so don't blame yourself for that. "

" But even if you're not the son that I used to know, I'll be always your father, I really want to fulfill it. "

His father put clothes in front of his table and speaks.

" I know you're kinda bored but I already registered you to the royal school of arts we're going to capital by tomorrow. "

His father is about to leave when he suddenly stood up from being seated and questioned him.

" but how !? how can I admit to that school if I don't have affinity or mana father? "

"I just know you can make it somehow son, nothing to lose ain'tcha? "

He only smiles and started to walk away as Markus looking at a uniform that his father gave to him.

" well this is nonsense, don't get your hopes up, Markus. "

As he speaks to himself and grabbed the uniform.

                        Chapter End

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