Chapter VIII : Meeting

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The interior inside the head maestro's office can be described as a simple modern-antique design, the flooring and the wall features inside is constructed in wood but the outside of that office is built in concrete.

It's like you entered a two different dimensions and every detail of that room has a big similarities in western culture.
Head trophies of the wild animals, wooden desk, and antique books. all of them has the same setting from his old world.

" Sir this room? Are you the one who designed this? "

" No young'ons this is the space created on a fail transporting magic. "

It was 10 years ago when a group of a senior maguls conducted an experiment before their graduation, they tried to transport the whole former office to the newly build building in this academy.

" I can't say that the incident was a failure, just by looking at this room, is it quite really interesting? " -while brushing his beard with his hands.

" Yes this room is quite interesting, i mean i didn't even seen this design in any architectural books. "

I really can't say that this room is somehow similar to my old world, this maybe troublesome for me in the future.

- His thoughts about what's he was seeing.

" And also i found some interesting thing inside this drawer "

The old man puts a gun in front of him and speaks.

" What do you think of this young'ons its really interesting don't you think? "

" L-l!? " - No markus! Calm down Don't speak!

" Hey you're about to say something, you think you know what that is? "

Markus only looks at him and stares back at the gun, it was a Luger P08 a semi-automatic handgun model from germany on late 1940's, he secretly examines the cartridge of the gun and reliefs that he found it unloaded.

" sorry head maestro but i really don't know what that thing is. "

The old man turns his back from markus and looked at the books on a shelf.

" Even those books are useless, i turn all the pages of each books but nothing is written in them. "

The old man gets a one of the books at that shelf and throws it in the desk, markus quickly looks at it and saw that there's nothing really written on the cover.

He turns pages and confirms that there is really nothing written in that book.

" How is this even possible? "

" i have a theory that this room is from a different world, and something restricts us from seeing what this room has. "

Markus knows from the start that the room transported is from his world, but he didn't say anything about it and only nodded on what the head maestro concluded.

" Well then young'ons! Before we go to your examination let me tell you something about this school. "

Maguls here are separated by two categories. *Knight* granted to those maguls that accelerate in their physical aspects or arts that focusing only on boosting physical abilities, While *Caster* granted to those who superior in explosive arts or any form of it.

" So, you're going to take a mock battle and you can use all necessary tactics or arts to win, and we decide if you can enter on this school or not. "

" So can i use a boosting potions? "

" anything out of the combat zone is prohibited, you can't bring anything but you can use all the practice weapons provided there. You're going to face up to a senior knight named Palm Shreider. "

" S-senior? " -He responded

After a few reminders from head maestro they headed on a school arena.

" Don't worry young'ons this battle is not announced so you can rest it easy. "

" Well it didn't even change the fact that i'll fighting a senior "

He was looking around the arena and he was astonished on what he saw inside, coliseum like school arena and around it is a different types of wooden weapons.

" woaaahh!? Broad Sword? Katana? Even a Kriss? "

" Young'ons that was a Kreisberg, and that thin one called Slinth. "

Silence from him after hearing those unknown words from the head maestro, moment ago a group of people arrived at that place, A black looking group wearing a black robe with  brooch that he can't recognize, they paid respect to maestro and vowed down, one of that people speaks.

" we're here to grant your summons head maestro. "

" Admirable as always! Now then young'ons let me introduce to you this proud group of academy.

Order of the Altòcumulus, An order that founded by Vijo Gad'Fajar who granted that title, there are all four orders that maintaining the balance and order in academy, And those orders has their own representative from their own family members.

markus hands starts to tremble as he feels so much pressure from them, and his mind starts to doubt himself as they approaching.

" Damn! I can't win this. "

The other senior maguls and the maestro taken their seats at the middle stage of the coliseum.

" Now we're starting your mock battle to test your capabilities if you really have what it takes to be part of this academy, fail this and you can't retry so give your best shot young'ons. "

And one of the senior maguls stands and announce the details of match.

" A entry match between Markus Antaegahr and Senior Magul Palm Shreider to be witnessed by the order and the head maestro Heilgrid Krxgilgalen. "

And the also the head maestro speaks

" Fight Fair! , Give your all young'ons! , now i commence the entry match begin! "

                         Chapter End

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