Extra Series : First

38 11 4

I am Andres Lacibal, i often called " Andy " by my family and my friends.

At the age of 18 i graduated in Maypajo Integrated School Batch 2004 and after that, i didn't have any chance to get into the college and started to work as a fast food crew.

My father died in Nephritic Syndrome in the age of 73, this syndrome causes an inflammation affecting small groups of blood vessels in the kidney, we take some treatments to heal our father but an unexpecting misfortune occur in our family.

an end-stage called Renal Disease that causes the kidney to stop working, he needed a kidney transplant but we don't have the money to pay for it, I work day and night and i even to walk my way home just to collect a fund for that operation.

Every time that i got home from my work i only see my mother in front of an altar praying for our father's health, she often forgot to cook for our dinner, maybe just because of depression and stress, so i always end up cooking and invites her to eat.

I did give my all for my father's sake but i was too late, He died on October 17, 2005.

My mother changes after that, she always in her friend's house just to gambling all day, and when she loses all of her money she always ask me for it, that if i can't give her what she wants she started to get angry and badmouth me, even blaming me to death of my father.

But it's ok i can't blame her, i can't get mad at her just because of she's the only one that i have, i can't lose for now just for her so one day i know that she will return in her usual self, but before that i can't lose to this life.

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