Ch. 3

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I decided to lead the way back. He followed close behind. I am needing to go over the garden and water everything. If my mom didn't beat me to it. When we got to the creek, a few of Xavier's guys showed up. They did not look happy. I know what this means. They think that I ran off with this guy then decided to come back in the morning.

One of my brothers came up. He clarified with them that the guy was a guest of Xavier. They didn't question it, only letting us through to go back to where the rest are. As soon as we got to the mainstead I shifted back to human before going to the garden. I unlocked the gate and entered.

The guy followed. "How did you sleep?" He asked. "Alright. Good enough for the ground." I said. "Sorry I was standing over you all night." He said. "None of those bozos would have done it." I said as I checked the plants. "Would you mind going to get an empty basket for me?" I asked. He went back up towards the gate. Then came back with a basket.

I picked a few things before going to the next stop. "How much do you need to pick?" He asked. "Enough to fill those baskets every day." I said. "Does it ever expand?" He asked. "Oh yeah. Every decade we add ten to twenty feet around with more plants." I said. When that basket was full I carried it to the gate and grabbed two after covering that basket.

"The nets keep bugs and birds out of the produce once it's picked. Then a daily crew comes to pick up the full baskets." I said as I went to the blackberry bushes. "Do you guys trim these back?" He asked. "To keep them tamed." I said as I started picking. He went behind me to the blueberries.

We picked in silence until I heard the gate open and close. Xavier came into the view. "Morning Honey. Picking berries for pies later?" He asked. "Yup. Taking them to the best pie maker here." I said. "I see she roped you into working." Xavier said. "Nah. Wanted to help. Need to know how a garden needs to be set up and everything." He said.

"Surprised you didn't have one before." Xavier said. "Did, the girls I have now don't want to work." He said. Xavier gave me that look. I glared at him. Then went back to picking. The guy behind me moved and brushed against my backside with his own. I moved away and out of view of them.

I continued to pick until I heard Xavier yell. The guy moved closer to me. "Hope I'm not getting on your nerves." He said. "Nah. Xavier does that enough with wanting me to come out and meet stallions." I said. "What? You hiding?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. He chuckled.

"He is right about hiding though. Most of them spot you before you have a chance to hide then want to find you. If they can't find you the first time, they give up and leave." He said. "How would you know?" I asked. "I've witnessed it first hand." He said. "Not with me." I said.

"Your one of the ones." He said. "How so?" I asked. "I knew you spotted me after you rolled. Then you tried to ignore that I was there as you started for some brush. That was my first indicator that you were gonna hide." He said. I must of had a glare on my face because he backed down a bit on what he was talking about.

"I'm not trying to upset you in any way." He quickly said. I softened up a bit and continued what I was doing. "How often does Xavier let his girls in the garden?" He asked trying to change the subject. "Only when they are not pregnant or are not too far along." I answered.

"So the two he's talking to at the moment?" He asked. "Those two have been trying to steal and pick produce since they started growing bumps. The guard just hasn't gotten here yet to keep them out." I said. "So is that something that I may need to instate there for my garden?" He asked.

"Possibly." I said. "What would you do if I asked you to come with me?" He asked. I looked at him once before moving around the bush. "You don't have to answer right now. I would though like to get to know you better." He said.

I lightly smiled. He smiled widely. "Maybe before I leave I can get you to smile for me." "I doubt it. No one but my dad has ever been able to get me to smile." I said. "Challenge accepted then." He said.

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